Chen Jiahong’s Column: How much is left of Tsai Ing-wen’s yin moral value? – report / comment


Yinde value is an internet term that means how much good incense you usually burn, how many blessings you will get now; In more formal terms, “yinde value” is actually close to “trust.” After he voted for the successful re-election of Tsai Ing-wen, he blocked a major outbreak of new crown pneumonia, and as a result, the yin (confidence) value has skyrocketed; However, due to the implementation of the main controversial policy on US pork imports, the yin (confidence) value has dropped significantly in the last month. It constantly burns its own “yin virtue value.” How should Tsai Ing-wen view such a situation? Will your yin (confidence) virtue continue to decline?

Compared to previous presidents, Tsai Ing-wen’s performance of trust has several unusual characteristics: First, his re-election campaign has nearly 1.3 million more votes than the first president-elect, and the empowerment of public opinion is still quite a bit. high. Second, it has been almost a year since his re-election was successful. Their trust level has always been at least 10% higher than their distrust, and it even reached 70% in March and April of this year. This is also a rare record for the president-elect of Taiwan. Third, Taiwan’s economic indicators continue to rise, and the public assessment of the current economic situation has reached an unprecedented level. Although cross-strait relations continue to stall, Taiwan’s international visibility and support is also at an exceptionally high point.

Judging solely from the survey data, the yin value burned by the Lai pig import problem is not a “major setback” or a “severe setback”; On the contrary, the trust level is higher than the distrust level by 15%, but it represents the Taiwanese people and the Cai government. The relationship is still in the rare honeymoon period of the re-elected president. After all, six to seventy percent of the government satisfaction or confidence level six months ago was too illusory and normal.

People’s sentiments in Taiwan are changing extremely fast, which is why in just a year and a half from late 2018 to early 2020, Tsai Ing-wen went from being “the untrusted politician in Taiwan” to “the most trusted politician in Taiwan”. I usually see it. However, there are still benefits to the high moral standards of politicians. At least, this means that people are willing to listen to this policy and even to help it spread and defend policies; therefore, politicians with high confidence (especially the president) should make good use of this rare window of opportunity to promote many policies that should have been promoted long ago but were shelved due to their controversy.

From the perspective of Taiwan’s overall national strategy, few people would object to US pig imports and health insurance premiums currently promoted by the Tsai government, and even food imports into Japan’s nuclear disaster areas. and the reform of the labor insurance pension system that may be affected in the future. However, the difficulty of policy communication is that purpose cannot be used to rationalize all means; nor can you say to people with an omniscient point of view, “This is the right thing to do. Follow me.” Don’t ask people to be considerate. Your “suffering”. Good policy makers must manage issues. Since this is no longer a life and death offensive and defensive choice, it is especially important not to open the battlefield indiscriminately.

For the DPP, importing US pigs is a policy that will definitely lose points, the only difference is that it loses more or fewer points; in this case, apologize accordingly, and even save the face of the opposition party, and then cut the persistence in the opposition. Opposing the importation of bovine and porcine clenbuterol is the minds of those in power. In terms of problem management, you need to replace negative attacks with positive speeches. Under the premise that Laizhu’s governance and security management practices are clearly stated, outside groups should not be allowed to attack each other with dissidents on the Internet; From this perspective, the previous Ding Yiming incident, as well as the “much support from the KMT Central Standing Committee” the day before yesterday, are unnecessary battlegrounds. As a front-line coach, Su Zhenchang shouldn’t feel overwhelmed and unforgiving.

If the national development strategy of the Tsai Ing-wen government is to minimize its economic and trade dependence on China, expand the link between the United States and Japan, fight for the BTA between Taiwan and the United States, and join the CPTPP, then she must not make a small loss or interfere with strategy due to tactics, but must bear it for a time. The decline in polls requires the achievement of strategic objectives. The above problem management principles are also applicable to problems such as food import problems and health insurance premium increases in Japan’s nuclear disaster areas that may follow.

Tsai Ing-wen’s poll support and disapproval will eventually intersect, and her “yin virtue” will eventually turn into a negative value. However, just as the government of Tsai Ing-wen caused a major defeat in local elections two years ago due to its promotion of marriage equality and pension reform, it also turned into a major victory in the elections. presidential elections earlier this year because of their adherence to these policy concepts. Politicians should not be afraid of burning their own yin and virtue values, they are afraid of chasing illusory applause, fear and contempt, only loving themselves, and loving forgetting what their original intention in politics is; This is not only the pain of politicians, but also the pain of the country.

※ The author is the main editor of “Report”
