Cause of death of 24 head of cattle that died suddenly in Qingtiangang, Yangmingshan exposed | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Life Center / Lin Qihua Report

Recently, there have been frequent reports of violent deaths of wild cattle in Yangmingshan National Park. Since this year, 24 wild animals have died one after another. In this regard, the Beishi Animal Protection Department also invited professional veterinarians to perform necropsies and take samples. According to the inspection results The cause of death may be related to poor feed quality, leading to a long-term lack of nutrition for livestock, and the possibility of an infectious disease among livestock is also initially ruled out. animals or a common disease in humans and animals.

▲ In Qingtiangang, Yangmingshan, cattle were reported to have died suddenly. (Photo / provided by Yang Pipe’s office)

The Yangguan office recently found dead cattle on the Qingtiangang Circular Trail, Central Trail, Neiliao Ancient Trail, the edge of the second grass area, Fengguikou, and Dingshan Shitiling Trail. To find out the exact cause of death, the Beishi Government also formed a “cross-field team of experts and scholars” to jointly evaluate and diagnose livestock diseases.

The North City Department of Animal Protection stated that in response to the successive deaths of cattle in Yangmingshan National Park this year, a discussion meeting was held this afternoon to comprehensively assess the results of the inspections. At present, the possibility of zoonotic diseases and zoonotic diseases is initially ruled out, and the cause of death should be related to poor ingredients and quality of food sources, leading to insufficient access to nutrients in the long term. term, which is related to the current number of ethnic groups, climatic factors and degradation of vegetation.

However, the Department of Animal Protection also stated that it is difficult to immediately improve the prolonged lack of nutrition of livestock and the habitat environment. It is also recommended to establish emergency nutrient supply points in the Yang pipeline and place lick bricks or hay containing energy, protein and minerals in the appropriate places. In addition, inspections, monitoring and notifications will be strengthened, and samples of livestock will be taken for their sanitary inspection and proper disposal.

The Yangguan Bureau noted that wild buffalo in Qingtiangang, like wild animals, accept the severe challenge of natural environmental selection. Experts at the meeting noted that although the cow’s stomach contents are abundant in natural forage , is affected by climatic factors and the decline of vegetation. , Qingtiangang buffalo habitat can provide uneven food nutrients (protein, minerals), especially continuous rain is more likely to cause lack of trace elements in forage. Also, the scattered locations of cattle kills are not limited to fences. It also shows that livestock deaths are affected by more ethnic groups, climatic factors, and vegetation degradation that lead to uneven nutrition and have nothing to do with the erection of the fences.

Regarding how to improve the uneven nutrition of wild buffalo at this stage, the Yangguan Office stated that it had consulted with the supplier to buy fodder and lick bricks in consideration of expert opinions. It is expected to be available in Qingtiangang after the completion of 2-3 days. Place lick bricks or hay containing energy, protein and minerals in the appropriate places in the shed and Shiti Ling on top of the mountain. In the follow-up, we will continue to observe the status of livestock activity, and we will strengthen the implementation of inspection, monitoring and notification mechanisms. If abnormalities are found, the Department of Animal Health will be notified immediately. In addition, it will actively cooperate with the Department of Animal Health to carry out sanitary controls and the proper disposition of the sampled cattle.

The Yangguan Office also stressed that the Department of National Parks was created for the conservation of natural resources. The Qingtiangang buffalo are a wild ethnic group. This time, it is mainly due to the impact of extreme weather on the ecological environment. According to the recommendations of the experts, an emergency response should be taken to help in the winter. Artificial methods interfere with the survival of wild animals. Visitors coming to Qingtiangang are urged to interact with wild buffalo and observe the three principles of no feeding, no intervention and no contact.
