Caught! A real-name mask factory in mainland China is located in Bali, New Taipei-Life-Zhongshi


The masks have been completely removed from the shelves.  (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Faxed by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei)
The masks have been completely removed from the shelves. (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Faxed by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei)

The real-named skin system launched on February 6. People can easily buy masks made by the national team. However, it was reported yesterday that many pharmacies in New Taipei City received masks with real names delivered by the post office. They were surprised to find that they were mixed with masks made in mainland China. All masks have been completely removed from the shelves; It is understood that the factory that produces the problem masks is located in the Bali district of New Taipei City and that it supplies 1/3 of the masks from the New Taipei pharmacy. The entire case has been investigated by the Soil, Forestry and Land Prosecutor’s Office.

The source revealed that the factory that produces the problem masks is located in the Bali district of New Taipei city. Among the 1,100 pharmacies in the city, about a third of the masks are produced by this factory, but is there a problem with all of them or is only a part of the masks mixed with the mainland? The Food and Drug Administration is still investigating the making of masks, and the Shilin District Attorney’s Office is investigating the entire case. The director of the Food and Drug Administration, Wu Xiumei, said that the masks with the real name should be made in China and the inspection has been involved in the investigation.

According to the pharmacy under investigation, after receiving the masks with the real name from the post office, the pharmacist will unpack the masks for inspection, confirm the number of masks before repackaging, and confirm whether the masks are defective. Some pharmacies in New Taipei City unpacked them yesterday. The mask was found to have a “Product Qualification Certificate” printed in simplified characters and indicated that the manufacturer was a factory in Anhui Province, mainland China. Due to the large number, the Pharmacists Association had immediately asked pharmacies to recall the product.

Wang Zhiyu, director of the New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer, said that not only one pharmacy encountered a similar situation, including New Taipei City Sanchong and Sanxia Pharmacies, all of which were received from the same mouth factory. The New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer received the message. Later, at noon this afternoon, I went to the pharmacy to investigate individually to ensure consumer rights. The consumer protection officer also recalled that the mainland masks have been completely removed from the shelves, so some pharmacies are unable to buy real-name masks today.

Yang Shuqin, director of the Food and Drug Management Section of the New Taipei City Health Bureau, noted that the central government distributes all masks under the real name. The Pharmacists Association has notified the entire case to the Food and Drug Administration. New Taipei City is cooperating with the central investigation and it is not convenient to release details.

In response, the director of the Food and Drug Administration, Wu Xiumei, said that the real-name masks made by the pharmacy should be domestically manufactured and manufactured by the national mask team. It seemed that the masks made in mainland China were mixed with the real name masks. She was also quite taken aback. After being informed yesterday, the inspector has intervened in the investigation to find out.

Real-name masks were suspected of being mixed up with the mainland system, and the New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer went to the pharmacy to investigate the situation.  (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Fax by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei))
Real-name masks were suspected of being mixed up with the mainland system, and the New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer went to the pharmacy to investigate the situation. (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Fax by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei))
The masks have been completely removed from the shelves.  (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Faxed by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei)
The masks have been completely removed from the shelves. (Provided by New Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer / Faxed by Xu Zheyuan New Taipei)

(During the middle)
