
Qiu Shuti: The command center lacks logic. Netizens criticize “You are the least qualified to speak” | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk

[ad_1] Qiu Shuti, former director of National Health and one of the planners who decided to close the Peace Hospital during SARS, listed four major crimes on social media and criticized the command center for “seriously lacking epidemic prevention logic.” Image: Obtained from Qiu Shuti’s Facebook The epidemic in Taiwan …

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[Exclusivo / Intimidación sexual infantil]The motive for the sexual assault of the second schoolboy by the six-year-old reveals the decryption of the laptop! Develop a “criminal drive” smart wolf in 2 years | Apple News Network | Apple Daily

[ad_1] In a northern school, a sixth grade boy sexually assaulted two students in the bathroom within a month, shocking all walks of life. His parents took the perpetrator to the public agency and wanted to reconcile with the family of one of the victims. ., The schoolboy had a …

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[Encuentro de doctores de Peach]Qiu Shuti’s criticism of the command center’s “epidemic prevention logic” was bombarded by netizens: those least qualified to comment on you | Apple News | Apple Daily

[ad_1] Qiu Shuti criticized the command center for “seriously lacking in epidemic prevention logic” and made 4 major mistakes. Unexpectedly, a large number of netizens reprimanded him: “You are the least qualified to comment!” Qiu Shuti, former director of the National Health Department and former director of the Taipei City …

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