
Refutes Ke Wenzhe Chen Qimai’s “Beautiful Pigs Are The Last To Be Eaten By The Poor”: Pork Imported From Canada Is Cheaper | Politics | Newtalk

[ad_1] Chen Qimai, Mayor of Kaohsiung. Image: Sun Jiaming / Photo (data photo) Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai accompanied President Tsai Ing-wen to inspect the Dagang Bridge this afternoon. When asked by the media, Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe said that “the poor eat the beautiful pigs in the end.” Chen Qimai …

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Lan Ying Promotes Food Safety Referendum Against US Pigs … DPP Satire: President Jiang’s Political Operation for Re-election | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Political Center / Full Report In response to KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen’s announcement today (9) that he would initiate a “food safety referendum” on the grounds of opposing the importation of pork from the United States, the DPP spokesman, Yan Ruofang said that the KMT opened beef imports containing …

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Catching Gary Depends on “Pharmacists” Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang and Chen Shizhong Even Three-Time Commended-UDN United News Network

[ad_1] Catching Gary is up to “pharmacists” Tsai Ing-wen, Su Zhenchang, Chen Shizhong and three accolades UDN United News Network Pharmacist removes pseudo medical mask Tsai Ing-wen: Guardian of the People Freedom Times Newsletter Exposing China’s mixed masks and Taiwanese President thanked pharmacists for protecting people’s health-Formosa TV News network …

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President of the Czech Republic Talks About Visiting Taiwan Bank: All Members Are Very Satisfied | The President of the Czech Senate | CCP Threats | Wang Yi

[ad_1] [La Gran Época, 5 de septiembre de 2020]The president of the Czech Senate, Vitzi, took almost 90 people to visit Taiwan. He revealed that all members of the delegation shared their thoughts on the visit to Taiwan and expressed their satisfaction. Everyone even naturally clapped at the end of …

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Help Lin Mingjin speak? Hong Mengkai and several Zhuge Liang are painfully “on the wrong side again” | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Reporters Zhou Ning, Li Zhengdao / Taipei Report Jiali Technology wore Chinese masks to pretend to be the real-name national team, but Kuomintang lawmaker Hong Mengkai immediately republished the news about Lin Mingjin’s injustice and lamented that “hard work has returned”; Several Zhuge Liang Jian Qinyou also appointed DPP …

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[Exclusivo]Shipwreck and land, 2 deaths and 1 comma Medical insurance does not pay the bill! More than 4 million medical expenses explode in hospitals | Apple News Network | Apple Daily

[ad_1] On July 3 this year, the Hanguang Marine Corps exercise conducted “beach landing and grabbing training” in front of Zuoying Taoziyuan, causing 7 people to fall into the sea, 2 dead and 1 coma. The medical expenses related to the accident were at least 4 million yuan, but the …

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Independent / revealing news about Chinese masks, interview with pharmacists under heavy pressure … Temporary abandonment of Taipei | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Reporters Hua Yunxi and Dai Huachen / Taipei Report An outbreak of the excellent domestically sourced GMP certified mask factory “Gali Technology Co., Ltd.” imported 3.37 million pieces of Chinese-made masks, mixed with real-name masks that were being collected, to burn down the efforts of our national team and …

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Men Who Are Enthusiastic About Allowing Hitchhiker Moms And Daughters To Return To Taiwan But Are Diagnosed With New Crowns “Filled With 12 Pipelines” -Politics-China Times

[ad_1] Since the outbreak of the new corona pneumonia epidemic earlier this year, the epidemic has continued to spread. The new confirmed cases in Taiwan have also been imported from abroad. Kuomintang lawmaker Wen Yuxia recently revealed on Facebook that a friend of hers who had returned to Taiwan from …

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