
13.58 million people prioritize Chen Shizhong vaccine: target to reach 60% coverage in the third quarter of next year-Wufei Vaccine No Competition Health Network

[ad_1] The Health Minister and Fu Chen Shizhong emphasized that it is not that he personally chose not to manufacture vaccines in China, but that he was not allowed to import vaccines. Also, vaccines from China have had problems in the past and the quality of Chinese vaccines doubts. (Photo …

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Ouyang Nana went to high school to sing “My Motherland” and the legislator named Ouyang Long: Is the Kuomintang affiliated with the CCP? | Politics | Newtalk

[ad_1] Ouyang Nana will sing “My Motherland” at the National Day Gala in China, drawing criticism. Image: Posted again from CCTV Variety Weibo Taiwanese artists Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shaohan will sing “My Motherland” and other songs with other Hong Kong and Chinese artists at the CCP “11th National Day” …

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Ouyang Nana sang “My Motherland” on the National Day of the Communist Party of China … She was quickly punished: Cancel her nationality! -Sanli News

[ad_1] Ouyang Nana sang “My Motherland” on the National Day of the Communist Party of China … She was quickly punished: Cancel her nationality! Sanli News Network Fear of breaking the law? Ouyang Nana and Angela Chang will appear on CCTV to sing “My Motherland”! President Su Zhenchang said bluntly: …

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American polls / elections are finally counted down! 53% of Taiwanese believe Trump is “better for Taiwan” | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] International Center / Full Report The United States presidential election is about to take place on November 3. Re-election Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned with all their might. According to the latest poll published by “Foresight”, 53% of people …

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