Can’t the national pension last? ! The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare confirms that premiums will increase on New Year’s Day next year | Life |新 头壳 Newtalk


The National Pension Insurance has been adjusted from 9% to 9.5% since January 1, 110. Image: Obtained from Google Map

The National Pension Insurance has been adjusted from 9% to 9.5% since January 1, 110. Image: Obtained from Google Map

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,109year9Financial actuarial results of national insurance, national pension insurance((Hereinafter referred to as National Insurance) is only enough to pay future insurance benefits to119year(Foot support onlyelevenyear), It is not enough to pay the futuretwentyAnnual insurance benefits(9,262100 million yuan), Therefore, the insurance premium rate should be increased in accordance with the regulations0.5%,Since110year1month1From the original9%adjust to9.5%

To make the financing of the National Insurance Fund more solid and stable and comply with the principle of equity for generations, the National Pension Law10The article stipulates that the insurance premium rate will be6.5%; Increase in the third year0.5%And increase every two years0.5%Until12%, But the balance of the insurance fund is enough to cover the futuretwentyWhen the annual insurance benefit is paid, no increase is allowed National Insurance has completed the first6Actuarial work, according to109year9The financial actuarial results of the national insurance are completed monthly, the cost rate of the national insurance is20.24%, Actuarial Evaluation Day(108year10month1day)Fund balance3,653100 million yuan, just enough to pay future insurance benefits to119Years (foot support onlyelevenYears), insufficient to pay the futuretwentyAnnual insurance benefits (9,262100 million yuan), so the insurance premium rate should be increased in accordance with the regulations of the opening0.5%, From the original9%adjust to9.5%

The Ministry of Health and Welfare stated that after adjusting the national insurance premium rate, the annual premium income of the national insurance fund will increase by approximately16.9100 million yuan, the increased income will be used in full for future insurance payments of all insured persons, in accordance with the principle of financial self-sufficiency of social insurance, and will promote the financial integrity of the National Insurance Fund and the sustainable operation of the system.In addition, after the rate adjustment, the full monthly insurance premium per person of the national insurance will increase.92Yuan, but because the government subsidizes at least40%Insurance premiums and increase subsidies for55% 、70%or100%; therefore, low- and middle-income households, people with moderate and mild disabilities, and those whose income does not meet a certain standard (payment30% -60%)Monthly self-paid insurance premiums per person will increase27Yuan zhi55Yuan, government subsidy insurance premiums (subsidies40% -70%)Additional allowance per person per month37Yuan zhiSixty-fiveYuan; for low-income households and those with severe physical and mental disabilities, the subsidy will increase per person per month92yuan.

Shang Dongfu, Director of the Social Security Department of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, recalled that for the economically disadvantaged, the National Insurance System has provided various subsidies to insurance premiums and deferred payment of insurance premiums in installments to reduce the burden of insurance premiums and protect your rights to receive insurance benefits. Therefore, if the insured cannot afford the insurance premiums, apply as soon as possible for low-income households, lower-middle-income households, or income that does not meet certain criteria in the municipal or county or city government. where the home registration is located to increase insurance premium subsidies. If you have any questions, call the National Pension Inquiry Hotline02-23961266turn6066

According to the financial actuarial results of the National Insurance concluded in September 109, the National Pension Insurance (hereinafter, the National Insurance) is only sufficient to pay future insurance benefits up to 119 years (only 11 years).

It is not enough to pay the insurance benefits for the next 20 years (926.2 billion yuan), so the insurance premium rate should be increased by 0.5% according to the regulations of the previous opening . Beginning January 1, 110, the original 9% will be adjusted to 9.5%.

The National Insurance System has provided various insurance premium subsidies and measures to postpone the payment of insurance premiums in installments to reduce the burden of insurance premiums and protect your rights to insurance benefits.
