Can You Eat Instant Noodles Without Adding Water? Old Gluttons Madly Push “Eating at God Level” – You Can’t Go Back After Trying It | New | NOWnews Today News


Can You Eat Instant Noodles Without Adding Water? The Old Glutton Madly Pushing The “God Level Eating Method” – You Can’t Go Back After Trying It | New | NOWnews Today News

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Can You Eat Instant Noodles Without Adding Water? Old Glutton Madly Pushing “God Level Eating Method”: You Can’t Go Back After Trying It

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-27 12:25:12

▲ Some netizens mentioned in the PTT Girl Edition about adding instant noodles
▲ Instant noodles attract a lot of people because of their convenience and many flavors. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

Due to its convenience and filling characteristics, instant noodles are not only often used as a dinner, but are also used as a meal for dinner when many people are busy. Generally speaking, instant noodles are made in hot water for about three minutes. He started eating, but recently some netizens discussed a post on “How to Eat Instant Noodles Without Water”, which sparked heated discussions.

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The original PO noted in a PTT post: “I don’t know if you’ve tried it. It’s not the scientific noodles or the prince noodles, but the instant noodles everyone uses for soaking. They just add the powder packet and the sauce packet no it is used. I found that many instant noodles are quite delicious when eaten this way. Do you think there are instant noodles recommended to eat this way? “

▲ Netizens wondered if instant noodles would be delicious if eaten dry, and as a result, many people came to share their experiences.  (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)
▲ Netizens wondered if instant noodles would be delicious if eaten dry, and many people came to share their experiences as a result. (Schematic / Obtained from Pixabay)

As soon as the post came out, netizens replied: “This is a real expert hahaha, the unified series can be eaten like this”, “The unified minced pork and fresh shrimp are fine, the taste is crispy fried”, “Unified Minced Pork”. Noodles can be eaten like this. It is better than scientific noodles “,” Unified, soaked and dried fresh shrimp noodles are delicious “,” Minced pork noodles and Bak Kut Teh are super delicious. This is the real way to eat instant noodles. “XD”, “I’ve eaten it once and can’t go back … I always eat dry minced pork noodles”, “Because instant noodle seasoning bag is heavier and more tasty than scientific noodles, so eating dry can be very good to eat. ” Also, some expert netizens recommend “If you want to eat a little more flavor, you can buy flavored Dan Suiyuan series. Flavored with kimchi. There is no bag of oil in the package. There is only one bag of plain seasoned vegetables. Sprinkle directly on Bag and shake it, Korean kimchi snack. Crispy noodles were born, really popped and delicious. ” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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