Camp Han questioned “Is it fair to stop Korea?” Yin Li: Of course it’s not fair! Elimination is more difficult | Policy | New Newtalk shell head


Camp Han often said:

Camp Han often said, “Korea Yu was elected with 890,000 votes, but 580,000 votes can be removed. Is that fair?” Photo: Kaohsiung City Government / Provided (Photo)

The civic group “Wecare Kaohsiung” continues to promote the expulsion of the mayor of Kaohsiung, Han Yu. This vote will take place on June 6. Regarding the Korean camp, they often said: “Korea Yu was elected with 890,000 votes, but 580,000 votes can be removed. Is this fair?” Wecare Kaohsiung promoter Yin Lijin (18) emphasized: “Of course that it is not fair, it is much more difficult to eliminate “.

Yin Li noted on Facebook that the choice is a simple majority and there is no “threshold”. However, “the removal requires the appointment of the Mayor of the President of the Electoral Committee, a super strict review and approval of the first and second phase of the signing, and then a basic 25%” threshold “before the possibility of a successful retirement. “

He said that in 2018 South Korea Yu obtained 890,000 votes, and the participation rate in Kaohsiung City was 72.63%; In 2020, the city-wide elections in Kaohsiung, South Korea Yu garnered 610,000 votes. “But Kaohsiung City has a very high turnout rate this year, as high as 77%. Compared to the turnout rate in 2018, it received less than 600,000 votes, which is almost the same as removing the” threshold. ” , and this is “the last public opinion”. “.”

Yin Li pointed out that the “threshold” of almost 600,000 is approximately 25%. This number is equivalent to the number of votes won by the last Korean Yu in Kaohsiung City, and the number of consents is greater than the number of disagreements. Furthermore, only national elections can break the 70% turnout rate. If only one county election has five achievements, it is very powerful.

Yin Li believes that putting the logic of proportionality back on makes it difficult for nearly 600,000 recalls. “If Korea Yu really angered the people of Kaohsiung, it would be almost impossible to achieve a high standard in other counties and cities.” “Kaohsiung can become a model of democratic history. The people of Kaohsiung will work together to create an arduous but unprecedented democratic achievement,” he emphasized.

Camp Han often said, “Korea Yu was elected with 890,000 votes, but 580,000 votes can be removed. Is that fair?”

Wecare Kaohsiung promoter Yin Li stressed today (18): “Of course it is not fair, it is much more difficult to eliminate.”

The choice is a simple majority and there is no “threshold”. But “the removal will go through the appointment of the mayor of the president of the electoral committee, a super strict review

Wecare Kaohsiung founder Yin Li today (18) emphasized:

Wecare Kaohsiung founder Yin Li today (18) emphasized: “Of course it is not fair, it is much more difficult to eliminate.” Image: Reprinted from Yin Li’s Facebook
