Buy 2 crabs and get ten million bills! See “Change 9.99 million” on the Internet: Is the boss tired | New | NOWnews Today News


Buy 2 crabs and get ten million bills! See “Change 9.99 million” on the Internet: Is the boss tired | New | NOWnews Today News

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Buy 2 crabs and get 10 million bills! Seeing “Change 9.99 million” on the Internet, I froze: Is the boss tired?

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-28 00:23:27

▲ The YouTuber
▲ A netizen from Taichung bought 2 crabs but received millions of bills and couldn’t help but complain about “Is the boss tired?” (Schematic diagram, taken from unsplash)

After each issuance of the invoice, there will always be many people who hope to win the tens of millions of prizes, but recently a netizen showed “ten million invoices”, but this is not proof of having won, but a “The invoice “10 million yuan in cash” made her very worried, that she had just bought two crabs. After the photo was exposed, some netizens laughed and said, “The life of the rich is so boring and boring!”

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This netizen posted on the Facebook group “Booming Waste 1 Commune” that she bought 2 crabs at the store today. They were a red crab for 350 yuan and a virgin crab for 300 yuan, plus a plastic bag for 1 yuan. The total amount was 651 yuan, but the boss’s bill said “10 million cash received”, and he had to give 9,999349 yuan for change, which made the woman laugh and cry: “Are you tired, boss? Ten million will only buy you two crabs? “

▲ Original PO was dumbfounded when he saw the invoice amount.  (Image / Return to the Commune of Explosive Waste 1)
▲ The amount of cash actually received on the bill stunned netizens on the spot. (Image / Return to the explosive waste commune 1)

After the photo was exposed, a lot of netizens had fun and responded with humor: “Don’t lose the bill! This bill depends on how much you want to redeem”, “The story of buying a crab and getting rich”, “The boss is still looking for a crab, “” Crab crab. ” Do not do it! “,” I won’t buy all the crabs for ten million “,” Okay! It’s free for a year at that time “,” Let you experience the thrill of the rich. “In addition, some netizens pointed to the key, saying that the sales are really correct, “the total is correct, the actual collection is correct, and the other casual calls are fine”, “it should be fine, the unit price is normal, not the price Sales is wrong “,” This is good, the sales are correct “,” If the product price is correct, it is not bad “,” The price is miserable. For example, if you get 349 for 1,000, you can get 349 for 1,000 and can sell 9,999,651 for 349 yuan. Employee compensation. ” (Editor: Yang Zhijie)

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