British Variant Virus Invades Taiwan! Three reasons why famous doctors “blockade the country”: mutation is the norm | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report

In response to the severe global epidemic, the British variant of the B.1.1.7 virus has invaded Taiwan. The Epidemic Central Command Center announced that it will “restrict entry and quarantine requirements for non-nationals from New Year’s Day, and will strengthen the quarantine of incoming passengers from 0:00 on January 15.” The measures “are like following up on Japan’s implementation of the country’s lockdown policy, which has sparked controversy. Xie Zongxue, director of the Children’s Emergency Department at Sun Yat-sen Medical University Hospital, expressed support for this and put forward three reasons on Facebook.

▲ The international epidemic is serious and the British variant of the virus B.1.1.7. With 2 cases imported from abroad, China announced a one-month lockdown policy and will strengthen inbound quarantine measures to prevent the virus from flowing further into the community. . (Photograph by reporter Chen Yi)

Dr. Xie Zongxue mentioned in his personal Facebook fan “Dr. E Pediatric Emergency Room Diary ”that the Wuhan pneumonia virus (COVID-19, new coronary pneumonia) is a type of coronavirus that belongs toSingle-stranded RNA viruses have a relatively unstable structure and are prone to mutations during replication, so mutant viruses are always expected.As long as it does not affect the severity of the disease, even if the infectious power increases, the existing epidemic prevention measures are still effective, but they must be applied more strictly.

Xie Zongxue also expressed his approval of China’s implementation of the “national lockdown” policy for at least a month starting in January 2021 for three reasons:

1. Current research shows that virus variants do not increase the severity of the disease, but some virus variants can increase their infectious power and are even more likely to infect children. In the event of an outbreak, the spread can be faster and the impact broader. The temporary blockade of the country can reduce the possibility of migration abroad. Experts can use this time to observe foreign research on virus variants, which will help develop the next stage of epidemic prevention strategies.

2. The international epidemic intensifies significantly after autumn and winter, and the number of cases imported from abroad has increased sharply, gradually increasing the utilization rate of negative pressure rooms and the burden of medical personnel. The temporary blockade of the country can reduce the number of cases imported from abroad and give the medical system room to breathe and have more time. Digest previous patients.

3. The outbreak of local cases in Taiwan has not been long, less than 28 days. At this stage, it is still impossible to determine whether the community is completely “clean.” If a large number of people infected with the virus variant enter Taiwan at this time, it will undoubtedly make the situation worse and add variables.

Xie Zongxue stressed that we must be careful with mutant viruses, but don’t panic, because mutations are the normal state of viruses. The focus of observation should be whether the severity of the disease has increased and whether the existing vaccine has failed. If the answer to the previous two points is no, then there is no need to drastically change existing anti-epidemic behaviors, just a more strict and careful implementation to ensure that the infected person does not spread the mutant virus. At present, Taiwan’s “Fall and Winter Epidemic Prevention Project” and “National Closure” policies aim to implement the original epidemic prevention policies more strictly to prevent mutant viruses from entering the community.

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia):

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with poultry and livestock.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
