Black Friday Shopping Festival Kicks Off, As Nasdaq and S&P Set All-Time Highs | Anue Juheng-US Stocks


Friday (27) The new crown vaccine is bullish, and the heavyweight discount season of “Black Friday” begins in Europe and the United States, the US dollar, gold and bitcoin are sold, the debt yield US falls, investors remain “extremely greedy” and technology stocks are strong on the up, regaining lost ground in value stocks such as industry and energy, and the two major indices S&P and Nasdaq hit record highs.

This week, the US stock market took a leap forward, ushering in the long-awaited market of the century on Wall Street. The Dow Jones broke the 30,000 mark for the first time on Tuesday.

Friday (27) the performance of the four main US stock indices:

  • The Dow Jones Index rose 37.90 points, or 0.13%, to close at 29,910.37 points.
  • The S&P 500 Index rose 10.23 points, or 0.28%, to close at 3,639.88 points.
  • The Nasdaq index rose 111.44 points, or 0.92%, to 12,205.85 points.
  • The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index rose 31.32 points, or 1.20%, to close at 2,631.56 points.

Political and economic current affairs approach

Upbeat vaccine news boosted US stocks today. US President Trump announced Thursday that delivery of the new US crown vaccine will begin next week, prioritizing former workers and higher-risk groups, including medical personnel and the elderly.

Furthermore, the minutes of the November meeting released by the Fed on Wednesday showed that the Fed will soon release more liquidity to boost the market economy.

US Secretary of the Treasury May Mnuchin wrote to Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee hoping they will continue to rely on the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to administer the crown’s new stimulus plan.

Regarding the news of the general election, the Pennsylvania Court of Appeals rejected the petition filed by Trump camp, holding that Trump’s claim of “unfair election” was unfounded. Trump publicly stated Thursday that if the Electoral College certifies that Biden wins the December 14 election, he will leave the White House.

The global epidemic of new corona pneumonia (COVID-19) continues to have a fever. Before the deadline, according to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of confirmed cases worldwide has exceeded 61.24 million and the number of deaths has exceeded 1.43 million . The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States exceeds 12.9 million and the cumulative number of deaths exceeds 263,000.

Count the rise and fall of individual stocks

The five kings of science and technology collectively ascended. Apple (AAPL-US) was up 0.48%; Facebook (FB-US) rose 0.81%; Alphabet (GOOGL-US) was up 1.30%; Amazon (AMZN-US) rose 0.32%; Microsoft (MSFT-US) was up 0.64%.

All 30 Dow Jones stocks were mixed. Amgen (AMGN-US) was up 2.04%; United Health (UNH-US) was up 1.43%; Disney (DIS-US) fell 1.31%; Traveler (TRV-US) fell 1.16%; Nike (NKE-US) fell 0.95%.

Quota of half component shares paid in excess. AMD (AMD-US) was up 0.55%; Intel (INTC-US) rose 0.85%; NVIDIA (NVDA-US) was up 0.20%; Qualcomm (QCOM-US) fell 0.17%; Micron (MU-US) was up 1.26%.

The ADR for Taiwan stocks closed in the red simultaneously. TSMC ADR (TSM-US) rose 1.28%; ASE ADR (ASX-US) rose 2.53%; UMC ADR (UMC-US) rose 2.95%; Chunghwa Telecom ADR (CHT-US) was up 0.84%.

Stock Market News

The Black Friday shopping season begins and Wall Street is looking at Black Friday consumption. The Truist financial holding company estimates that the epidemic will force many Americans to shop online.

On Friday, Amazon was up 0.32%; Home Depot (HD-US) rose 0.74%; Target (TGT-US) fell 0.011%; Wal-Mart (WMT-US) fell 0.22%.

Tesla’s (TSLA-US) stock price rose 2.05% to $ 585.76 per share on Friday, an all-time high, and its market value soared to $ 555.242 billion. Berkshire Hathaway (market value of $ 543 billion), a subsidiary of the god of Supercar stocks, become America’s sixth largest company.

AstraZeneca (AZN-US) CEO Pascal Soriot plans to run a new coronavirus vaccine test, and its share price is up 0.019%. As AstraZeneca’s effectiveness has raised questions in the outside world, its rival Moderna (MRNA-US) was up 16.35%.

Pfizer (PFE-US) rose 1.92%, after the market rose 0.11%. After Friday, it was reported that United Airlines had started delivering Pfizer vaccines.

The UK plans to add a “digital market department” next year to oversee US tech companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, etc., to avoid monopolistic market events and promote increased competition.

Wall Street Analysis

Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Spartan Capital Securities, said: “The market closed early today and trading volume was light, so the only conclusion is that the current rally has not wavered.”

Peter Cardillo added: “There is a good sign next month. Will we see the Christmas market? This is very possible, but will it be as strong as November? This is a big question mark.”
