Bin Laden not dead? Trump relayed conspiracy theory to ex-SEALs: I know who I killed! | International-New Head Shell


  1. Bin Laden Not Dead? Trump Passing On Conspiracy Theories To Former SEAL Players: I Know Who I Killed! | International New Head Shell
  2. The tweet that Bin Laden was not dead broke! Former SEAL team said this Yahoo News
  3. Is Bin Laden Really Alive? Trump re-posted a mysterious tweet and it was deleted in seconds. SEAL Team Six’s iron dust exploded | ETtoday International News ETtoday News Cloud
  4. Trump sent a mysterious text message … Bin Laden was shocked! 1 sentence from the former seal team exposed the truth Sanli News Net
  5. Is “bin Laden alive” true? Trump’s own response is super staggering,
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report