Belgium blocks the country, the United States is diagnosed in a single day and about 90,000 cases are confirmed in a single day, and experts warn that winter will be more difficult | Anue Juheng-International Political Economy


The second wave of the new corona pneumonia epidemic is spreading across Europe and the United States. In addition to the emergency announcement of a country shutdown by Belgium and the growing number of confirmed cases in many European countries, the number of new confirmed cases in the United States on Friday (30) is approaching 90,000 again after Thursday. The cumulative number of confirmed diagnoses in the United States continues to rise. Experts warn that the death rate could double next winter. The next two months will be the most difficult period of the epidemic.

According to updated data from Bloomberg, the epidemic situation in European countries continues to heat up. For the first time in Italy, the number of new cases in a single day has exceeded 30,000, and the confirmed rate has risen to 14.5%. Spain also has a record 9,000 cases in a single day, and the number of infected in the UK has surpassed it. 500,000 people.

The number of new confirmed cases in France rose on Friday by nearly 50,000 to 1.33 million, and the death toll stood at 36,565, marking a new record since April. Belgium, the country with the highest infection rate in Europe, also urgently announced that it will close the country until mid-December and implement strict epidemic prevention policies.

In the United States, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States has reached 9,018 million, and 229,000 have died. On Friday 89,663 new cases were registered in a single day, two in a row. The day is close to 90,000 cases, among which 14 states have recently confirmed cases.

Also, according to data from the Covid Tracking Project, hospitalization rates in 40 states in the United States are skyrocketing. On Thursday, more than 46,000 people were treated in hospitals. Many states have also built additional field hospitals to help the growing number of patients.

On the other hand, the US presidential campaign has become the reason for the increase in new cases in many states. In the past two weeks, the number of new confirmed cases per week in 13 changing states has increased by 45%, including Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. The state also recently set a record for the average number of new diagnoses per week.

In response, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington in the United States warned that as the winter season worsens, the number of deaths in the United States may reach 514,000 early next year. . By then, 2,250 Americans will die of new coronary pneumonia every day. More than double the current death rate.

According to the IHME, the low temperature in the fall and winter of this year will increase about three times the number of deaths per day in the United States. From the end of this year until the beginning of next year, the hospital system in 18 states, especially the intensive care unit (ICU), will be under great pressure. Scott Gottlieb, former director of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), also noted in an earlier interview that the next two months will be the most difficult period during the epidemic.
