Before Trump resigned, he violently killed or broke a centennial record, using poison gas, an electric chair and hanging.


Trump only has a month left in office, but plans to execute 4 prisoners on death row

The president of the United States, Trump, will resign from his position on January 20 of next year, but before leaving the White House, he must hurry and execute the five death sentences that he agreed to at once.

According to a Daily Mail report on the 17th, Trump agreed to use electric chairs, poison gas, curtains and even firing squads to get rid of all the “scum” in the eyes of everyone. And Trump has carried out more death sentences during his tenure than any American president has carried out in at least a century.

Although he has only more than a month left in his reign, there are still others waiting in line for execution after African Alfred Bourgeois murdered his 2-year-old daughter and died on December 11. 5 people. Indeed, since Trump ordered the resumption of the death penalty in July this year and halted the execution of no inmate sentenced to death for 17 years, Bujihua has become the 10th person to be executed by the federal government.

In the last 131 years, according to tradition, the outgoing president will suspend the execution of the death penalty during the transition period. However, the Trump administration previously announced that between November this year and January next year, in addition to Bujihua, five death row inmates will be executed.

Among them, Lisa Montgomery, who was sentenced to death, committed an incredible terrorist crime. In December 2004, he met under the pretext of buying a dog and strangled Bobbie, a 23-year-old kennel breeder who was 8 months pregnant. Jo Stinnett), and took a helicopter to a laparotomy to remove the fetus in his abdomen, pretending to be his.

5 Ways Americans Execute Death Row Prisoners

Since his actions are incredible, it is easy to think that he is mentally abnormal. But the Missouri jury held that although she had been incestuous, gang-raped, a child prostitute and tortured by her stepbrother, who was forced to sterilize her, she still deserved to die for committing heinous crimes. For this reason, she will become the first female prisoner to be executed in the United States in nearly 70 years.

However, because one of his lawyers contracted the new corona pneumonia, the execution was stayed, but the sentence is still scheduled to be executed on January 12 of next year. Not only that, the Trump administration also encourages officials to use methods of execution that are widely condemned as “cruel and barbaric.” Recently, the Ministry of Justice has enacted a new regulation to relax the available enforcement laws, which include electrocution, poison gas, and hanging. In case the poison injection does not die and the necessary medicines are lacking, the execution squad can be used.

Those who disagreed said she was destined to die not because of conclusive evidence, but because of Trump’s cruel nature, who wanted to execute as many prisoners as possible while he was still in office.

文章 來源 : The massacre of Donald Trump: electric chair, poison gas, hanging … even a firing squad. The president has approved all of these methods of execution for death row prisoners before leaving office. But, asks TOM LEONARD, is justice done … or is it just barbarian?

(Zhongshi News Network)
