Australian media exploited Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy to be cracked ahead of schedule, Taiwan ranked first in the island chain partner | TechNews


Australian media exclusively obtained a declassified document on US national security in advance, revealing details of the Indo-Pacific regional strategy that the Trump administration had classified as confidential in the past. The main points include the defense of the first countries of the chain of islands like Taiwan.

ABC News reported that Trump approved the Indo-Pacific strategy formulated by the National Security Council in 2017 in early 2018.

ABC’s current affairs show “7.30” got a national security report prepared by the White House.

The document was previously classified as “confidential” and “not disclosed to foreigners”, but was officially declassified last week, 30 years earlier than normal, and will be officially released tomorrow.

The document has more than 10 pages. Some of the content has been edited and processed by “strikethrough”. The text lists the strategic priorities of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region. Block China.

There are three main points of the document: first, China will not be allowed to have a sustained maritime and air advantage in the first chain of islands in conflict; second, to defend the first countries of the chain of islands, including Taiwan; third, dominate all areas outside the first island chain.

Rory Medcalf, dean of the Australian National University (ANU) College of National Security, said: “This strategic framework has a very direct attitude towards China. It is not very confrontational, but it is quite firm.”

He said: “This is a very important document, and it is also unusual to publish it decades in advance.”

“I think this shows what form of continuity the permanent US government, or officials, hopes to see in the US-Indo-Pacific relationship, including the response to Chinese power.”

“A key conclusion that can be drawn from this strategic framework is that it is a partnership-oriented strategy.”

“To some extent, the vision of the strategy is American follow-up capability, not American leadership.”

(Translator: Chen Yijun; First Image Source: Pixabay)

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