Asymptomatic Taiwanese in their 20s, the Shanghai Confirmed Command Center judged they were infected during their stay in the US-UN OOPS!


  1. Asymptomatic Taiwanese in their 20s, the Shanghai Confirmed Command Center judged they were infected with udn UNRWA during their stay in the United States.
  2. Shanghai also reported that Taiwan moved to the case command center – the man may have been infected in the US.
  3. Shanghai spreads cases imported from Taiwan again, 3 cases in two weeks,
  4. Shanghai Pudong Airport and the Diagnosed Command Center in Taiwan – We are still learning about udn OOPS!
  5. Shanghai rumored the third case of an immigrant from Taiwan: Zhuang Renxiang: Young people in their 20s have a higher probability of infection in the United States Taiwan Apple Daily
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report