Are you going to America to stay away from Jiang Qichen? Li Yanxiu’s Facebook spat out the reason: I never expected it


Kuomintang Deputy Secretary General Li Yanxiu is reported to have recently visited the United States on the grounds that he saw his daughter because he wanted to stay away from the inner circle of party chairman Jiang Qichen, sparking speculation about the leadership crisis of Jiang Su. In this regard, Li Yanxiu clarified that he went to the United States because his daughter had a fever. As a mother, she had to run to the United States to care for her. She never expected a simple “mother’s credit class” to be manipulated by such ruthless politics.

“Mirror Weekly” reported today that Li Yanxiu went to the United States to stay away from Jiang Qichen. Li Yanxiu later posted on Facebook to clarify that it was purely to see her daughter. She described her state of mind as a mother. It is truly the happiest thing in life to see the smile of the child every day and the laughter of the family at the table. Staying in this moment can protect my baby forever. “

Li Yanxiu said that when Jiang Qichen asked him to help her in party affairs in March this year, she claimed that she had been a representative of the People’s Republic of China for 21 years and that she really needed a good rest, especially her daughter was almost 10 years. As a mother, in order to serve the voters, There is very little time to accompany children, which is also the greatest regret. But in the end, she was touched by Jiang Qichen’s commitment and enthusiasm and promised to work hard together, but also offered a “condition”: before the Chinese New Year, she needs full time to accompany her children and fulfill her responsibility. as a mother. It’s a plan made at the beginning of the year. “

“More than a month ago, the new corona pneumonia in the United States was still heating up.” Li Yanxiu recalled that one day at noon he received a call from his daughter from the United States, saying that her fever was almost 40 degrees Celsius. It was two in the morning in the United States. I was anxious in Taiwan, but is it too long, much less a common cold? Or pneumonia? On the phone, she cried and choked, but her daughter turned her head to comfort her, don’t worry.

Li Yanxiu said that after the first stage of the referendum proposal was completed, he handed over a false bill to Jiang Qichen, “As a father, Jiang Qichen can fully appreciate it.” He also emphasized that traveling abroad requires quarantine for 14 days, but party affairs cannot yet be ignored, and group remote control has never been less; Before, she remotely controlled her daughter’s studies in the United States in Taiwan, and now she is in the United States, and her colleagues in Taipei work remotely. The efficiency of the environmental office does not necessarily deteriorate, after all, it is not surprising that a new life for epidemic prevention has become a TELEWORKER.

Li Yanxiu sighed, never expected that a simple “mother credit class” could be operated by such ruthless policy. He even said that in the short 9 months of the KMT Central Committee, I have gained a lot and learned a lot. Working with Jiang Qichen is a pleasant experience. All KMT members have the common goal of “protecting Taiwan, safeguarding democracy, and fighting for the future.” , “It doesn’t take long, see you on Bade Road”!

(Zhongshi News Network)
