Are New Zealand pilots joining the community? Medical revelation 4 reasons I want to reward people: 9 local cases of fear of Tibet | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Jian Haozheng / Taipei Report

Wuhan’s pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19, new corona pneumonia) continues to spread, and even the country cannot prevent it. The Epidemic Central Command Center announced a local case yesterday (22), leaving Taiwan without a local case for 253 consecutive days.

Although the Central Epidemic Command Center has published guidelines for the prevention of epidemics during New Year’s Eve activities, so that everyone can see the fireworks during Christmas and New Year’s Eve. However, this case is the case of a New Zealand pilot infected with a friend in Taiwan, causing people to worry that next Christmas and New Years Eve, a large crowd will become the peak of community infection. Psychiatrist Shen Zhengnan pointed out four reasons for requesting the suspension of the Christmas and New Year holidays, said that “9 local infections may occur” and asked the government to think twice.

▲ Shen Zhengnan, a psychiatrist, pointed out 4 reasons for requesting the suspension of the Christmas and New Year holidays, saying that “9 local infections may occur” and asked the government to think twice. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook by Shen Zhengnan)

Shen Zhengnan posted on Facebook that it is a serious mistake not to cancel the Christmas and New Year holidays! He said that after more than 200 days of peaceful days with no local cases, Taiwan reported another case of a New Zealand pilot who became infected with a friend in Taiwan, showing that Taiwanese society must re-enter epidemic prevention mode in the life and psychology. Above. And you should not take it lightly, saying that as long as you wear a mask and do not eat, you can continue to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s parties, this is a serious mistake.

He presented 4 main reasons:

Reason 1: Even if Taiwan is still diagnosed with zero local infections, the global epidemic is as severe as neighbors’ homes are plagued with disasters. Are we ashamed to sing, dance and light fireworks here?

Reason 2: Although only one case of local infection has been reported so far, it was around December 8 when the pilot was walking through the community, 14 days have passed since then, which is equivalent to 2 to 3 cycles of infection. If not protected, there may be 9 local infections. If all these potentially infected people go to Christmas or New Year’s Eve parties, the consequences will be disastrous. Especially since the pilot is so hidden about his whereabouts, you need to be more careful.

Reason 3: The mutant virus has been produced. Although Taiwanese experts on epidemic prevention say that “the 14-day quarantine can still be blocked”, foreign countries have re-tested the efficacy of the vaccine against the mutant virus. Why not wait until the test results come out? Let me ask you, if the vaccine is not effective against the mutant virus by then, and the rate of getting the vaccine in Taiwan is relatively slow, I’m afraid everyone will have to live a more painful life of epidemic prevention than they are now. .

Reason 4: Even if there are no new COVID-19 cases after the Christmas or New Years events, just the number of people who need to be tested as suspected cases due to a cold in the group will be overwhelming for medical staff.

In the end, he concluded that suspending the celebration of Christmas or New Year’s parties for one year is not only an expression of sympathy and compassion for the global epidemic, but also a prudent means of self-protection. As for the fact that the pilots became a breach in the prevention of epidemics, it shows that airlines cannot be allowed to drive independently, but the command center must enter the interior to master the control process of the senses. In fact, if the flight crew wears surgical masks, the possibility of infection on board is extremely low. And reducing home quarantine time for flight crews doesn’t make it go away. If there is no flight service in the future, you must complete the 14-day quarantine.

In addition, Dr. Shen Wenmo issued 4 hashtags (thematic tags), namely #that the pilot does not cooperate with the epidemic, #The reason is that he is not in the habit of recording his whereabouts, and # X, # 恁 爸爸 has the habit of slapping people.
