Apple iOS 14 will display a new privacy pop-up notification to limit ad tracking. Facebook said it will display its own tips on the screen and provide more information on how Facebook uses personalized advertising to help small businesses.
Apple has provided IDFA for mobile application developers for many years to help them connect the same user between applications. But Apple said earlier this year that it would require the mobile app to display a unique pop-up message to users asking for permission to read the ad ID. App developers like Facebook are concerned that these warning pop-ups could deter users and seriously undermine the effectiveness of advertising.
Facebook’s latest statement said that Apple’s new advice strikes the wrong balance between personalized advertising and privacy. In fact, Facebook can protect user privacy while offering personalized advertising. Apple does this only for its own specific advertising products and services.
Facebook’s statement noted that to help everyone make an informed decision, Facebook will also display its own on-screen tips to provide more information on how Facebook can use personalized advertising to help small businesses and keep their apps going used for free. Accepting authorization in the Facebook message will not allow Facebook to collect new types of data. This just means that Facebook can continue to provide you with a better experience.
Facebook also solved 5 things you need to know about Apple’s iOS 14 tracking tips. First, Apple requires all application developers to display warnings and obtain user consent before using user information in other applications and websites, but this rule does not apply to Apple applications.
Second, if the user authorizes Facebook and Instagram, the ads displayed in these two applications will not change. If authorization is denied, the user will still see the ad, but the relevance of the ad to the user will be relatively low.
Third, Facebook believes that Apple’s message omits important background information in an attempt to prevent users from accepting authorization. For example, it doesn’t mention how personalized advertising allows apps to continue to provide free services.
Fourth, to help users make informed decisions, Facebook will display on the screen how Facebook uses personalized advertising and the control options provided to users in the application.
Fifth, asking users to accept authorization does not mean that Facebook will collect new types of data. This just means that Facebook can continue to show personalized ads to users in its apps.
(Author: Wu Jiahao; first map Source: Dazhi image)
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