APEC has made 2 great strides! Tsai Ing-wen personally praised Zhang Zhongmou: Good to have you in Taiwan | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Zhengyu / Taipei Report

This year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Conference (AELM) was held on video for the first time. The representative of Chinese leader Zhang Zhongmou, founder of TSMC, attended the meeting and successfully carried out the task. In response, President Tsai Ing-wen shared the two main achievements of this meeting via Facebook today (21), including the “Prince APEC2040 City Vision” and the “Declaration of Kuala Lumpur Leaders”; he also paid a special tribute to Zhang Zhongmou, “Thank you Morris, Taiwan Good to have you!”

▲ Tsai Ing-wen publicly greeted Zhang Zhongmou: “Thank you Morris, it is a pleasure to have you in Taiwan.” (Image combined / provided by the Presidential Palace)

This year, due to the impact of the epidemic, the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting was held by video for the first time. Tsai Ing-wen wrote on Facebook: “Last night, Representative Zhang Zhongmou connected with leaders of the Asia-Pacific countries via video and shared on my behalf the achievements of Taiwan’s use of digital technology to prevent the epidemic and its strong economic performance. At the same time, he also declared again: Taiwan occupies a key position in the global digital supply chain. We are ready to share the successful experience of Taiwan with other countries in the post-epidemic era. “

This meeting achieved two more significant advances than in previous years:

● APEC2040 Prince City Vision announced(APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040), the Asia-Pacific region is expected to continue to promote free and open trade and investment, and deepen regional economic integration.

● Approve the Kuala Lumpur Leaders Declaration.(Kuala Lumpur Leaders Statement), emphasizing that all members must unite and work together to restore the damaged economic and commercial situation in the Asia-Pacific region in the future post-epidemic era.

▼ ▲ When Zhang Zhongmou made a speech, he gave APEC members shared how Taiwan controls the epidemic and its status in the digital economy.

Tsai Ing-wen specifically mentioned: “Thank you for the efforts of all business partners this time. In particular, I would like to thank Morris (Zhang Zhongmou) for agreeing to participate in the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting on my behalf for third time and take responsibility. Thank you, Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong. Bilateral exchanges with us during APEC Economic Leaders Week. “

Tsai Ing-wen also stated, “Next, Taiwan will continue to cooperate with APEC members, seize opportunities for participation and contribution, and actively promote the above two important visions and goals!”

▼ ▲ Zhang Zhongmou attended the press conference after the APEC and economic leaders meeting. (Photo / Provided by the Presidential Palace)

The annual theme set by Malaysia, this year’s host member of APEC, is “Optimizing people’s potential,“Optimizing Human Potential Towards a Resilient Future of Shared Prosperity: Pivot, Prioritize, Advance”;Malaysia invites countries to share how to effectively reduce the impact of the epidemic on the economy and the public health system.And provide suggestions on the direction of APEC’s work in the next 20 years.

The Presidential Palace held a post-conference press conference this afternoon,By Zhang Zhongmou and Deng Zhenzhong, Member of the Political Committee of the Executive Yuan,Gong Mingxin, Chairman of the National Development Commission,Xu Sijian, Deputy Secretary General of the National Security Council and Senior Officials of the International Group of the APEC Ministry of Foreign AffairsChen Longjin, Director of the Weaving Department, on this year’s APEC general meeting,The results of the dual ministerial meeting and the results of the AELM summit, etc., explain to the people,And accept questions from reporters.

Zhang Zhongmou said in his speech that there are 21 members at this APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.China participated in the meeting. He gave a speech in English for 3 minutes inThe content of the speech was based on instructions from the press conference that Tsai Ing-wen appointed him as the lead representative last week, to APEC members shared how Taiwan controls the epidemic and its status in the digital economy.The meeting limit that each leader can speak for 3 minutes,The length of your own manuscript in English is exactly 3 minutes.
