Anti-Lei Pig Doctor Su Weishuo Accused of the People’s Party: The Government Should Not Suppress Freedom of Expression | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


The anti-Laizhu doctor Su Weishuo was interviewed by the police, and the people's party group stated that the government should not restrict people's freedom of expression.  Figure: Intercepted from Bit King's Youtube mission

Anti-Laizhu doctor Su Weishuo was interviewed by the police, and the people’s party group declared that the government should not restrict people’s freedom of expression. Figure: Intercepted from Bit King’s Youtube mission

US pigs containing ractopamine will be officially imported on January 1 next year. Due to discontent with the openness of the pig government, Su Weishuo, a member of the Civil Anti-Lean Pigs Alliance and a physician, recently argued that ractopamine is harmful to humans and the Ministry of Health and Welfare deemed other observations false. Rumors, the police also asked him to explain the case. In response to this, the Legislative Council of the Taiwan People’s Party vigorously protested the government’s suppression of freedom of expression, demanding that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare issue an apology to Su Weishuo and the people, and stop this absurd behavior.

The people’s party group noted that the Chinese people are very concerned about the pig issue, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare should come up with more professional explanations to persuade people, rather than prohibit people from speaking through judicial means. The party group emphasized that Su Weishuo has long been concerned with issues related to social justice. He participated in the student movement, the environmental protection movement, and the peasant movement in its early years. In the last ten years, he has spared no effort to oppose the importation of Lainiulai pigs, using what he has learned and studying a large number of academic materials.

In public hearings, press conferences and other occasions organized by the People’s Party and the Caucus, Su Weishuo clearly indicated the source of all his comments and released information to the public. The popular party group stated that regardless of whether scientific argumentation is appropriate or not, it can be publicly commented on by all walks of life. However, even if different opinions are raised to question or refute the official government statement, it has never been like the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s way of accusing private academics officially.

In this regard, Su Weishuo emphasized that he will not back down. For the health of the people, you must tell the truth based on your conscience. The Popular Caucus also called for the government’s move to have a chilling effect on society, and would even show the guilty conscience of the DPP on the issue of importing pigs.

US pigs containing ractopamine will be officially imported on January 1 of next year. Due to dissatisfaction with the government’s openness to pigs, Su Weishuo, a member of the Civil Anti-Lean Pigs Alliance and a doctor, recently argued that ractopamine is harmful to humans and the Ministry of Health and Welfare found other observations to be false. Rumors, the police also asked him to explain the case. In response to this, the Legislative Council of the Taiwan People’s Party vigorously protested the government’s suppression of freedom of expression, demanding that the Ministry of Health and Welfare issue an apology to Su Weishuo and the people, and stop this absurd behavior.

The People’s Caucus pointed out that the Chinese are very concerned about the pig issue, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare should provide more professional explanations to persuade people, rather than prohibit them from speaking through judicial means. At the same time, he emphasized that Su Weishuo has been concerned with issues related to social justice for a long time. He participated in the student movement, the environmental protection movement, and the peasant movement in its early years. In the last ten years, he has spared no effort to oppose the importation of Lainiulai pigs.

In public hearings, press conferences and other occasions organized by the Popular Party and the Caucus, Su Weishuo clearly indicated the source of all his comments and released information to the public. The popular party group claimed that whether scientific argumentation is appropriate or not, of course, can be publicly commented on by all walks of life. However, even if different opinions are raised to question or refute the official government statement on the matter, it has never been the way that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has used an official attitude to accuse private scholars.
