American polls / elections are finally counted down! 53% of Taiwanese believe Trump is “better for Taiwan” | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


International Center / Full Report

The United States presidential election is about to take place on November 3. Re-election Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned with all their might. According to the latest poll published by “Foresight”, 53% of people in Taiwan believe that if Trump can be re-elected, it will be more beneficial to Taiwan. Furthermore, only 16.4% of the people think that Biden’s election is more beneficial to Taiwan.

▲ 53% of Taiwanese believe that Trump’s election is better for Taiwan. (Photo / Reverse taken from Trump’s Facebook)

There are only less than 40 days left until the US presidential election. Due to the deterioration of Sino-US relations and the warming of Taiwan-US relations, this choice also affects the future direction of Taiwan and the two sides of the strait, which has attracted special attention from the people of Taiwan

According to a poll published on the 25th by “Foresight”, 53% of Taiwanese believe that Trump’s election is more favorable for Taiwan, while only 16.4% think that Biden’s election is more favorable for Taiwan. Those who think that both are favorable are 2.0%, and neither will be favorable 6.8%. , 21.8% of those who did not know or did not answer. “Foresight” analyzes that the Trump administration has recently heated relations between Taiwan and the United States, which may also affect the perception of Taiwanese.

Regarding the prediction of the electoral results, 49.1% of Taiwanese believe that Trump will be re-elected, 23.7% believe that Biden will be elected and 27.2% of those who do not know or have not responded. “Foresight” noted that while major US polling agencies have shown that support for the two is gradually drawing closer, Biden’s support is still greater than Trump’s, and the views of the Taiwanese people are slightly different from those of the United States. United.

▲ Only 16.4% of Taiwanese believe that Biden’s election is more beneficial for Taiwan. (Photo / Obtained from Biden’s Facebook)

In terms of the general impression that the American public has, how does it compare to the past? The results show that 23.5% of Taiwanese have an increase in their preference for the United States, and 23.1% think that they are equally good, and the total favorability is 46.6%; on the other hand, 10.9% of those who think the same do not like the United States and 29.6% dislike it more. The total degree of disgust is 40.4%; those who do not know or have not answered 13.0%

According to a crossover analysis of the survey results, 64.3% of pan-blue people don’t like the United States, and 68.2% of pan-green people have a favorable opinion of the United States. “Foresight” believes this is related to events such as the recent US government visit to Taiwan by Health Secretary Azal and Under Secretary of State Colac, the launch of the Taiwan-US economic dialogue, and the publication of the arms sale. .

This survey was conducted by the “Foresight” research survey, which surveyed people over the age of 20 living in 22 counties and cities in Taiwan. Computer-assisted telephone interviews were conducted September 17-20. The sampling method was randomly divided into different proportions. Sampling, after extracting the phone number, the last 2 digits are treated as random numbers. A total of 1102 interview samples completed. Below the 95% confidence level, the maximum sampling error is plus or minus 2.95 percentage points. Samples are weighted by sex, residence, age, level of education, etc.

▲ Relations between Taiwan and the United States have heated up recently, and the United States has repeatedly sent high-ranking officials to visit Taiwan. (Image / photo data)
