AIT’s retrospective movie didn’t just miss Lu Xiuyan and Chen Xuesheng – the great Green Camp 2 cafe blew up


Laizhu is open for import today. The American Association in Taiwan (AIT) recently released a 2020 review video on Facebook. In the film, AIT director Li Yingjie and the mayor of the five metropolises are edited for a photo, but the mayor of Taichung, Lu Xiuyan, he is not. In this regard, former legislator Chen Xuesheng said that not only Lu Xiuyan was missed by AIT, but also Su Kui and Legislative Leader Yuan You Xikun, who were also forgotten, were also very dissatisfied. He also encouraged Lu Xiuyan, saying that if AIT was due to the deliberate omissions of the American pig, this would be the opposite. It’s something good.

Chen Xuesheng Jin (first) stated on Facebook that Lu Xiuyan wasn’t the only one who was missed by AIT, and that he shouldn’t worry too much about it, because there should be two people who really miss and make people angry. You Xikun, Chairman of the Legislative Yuan, and Su Zhenchang, Chairman of the Executive Yuan. Chen Xuesheng is also very puzzled by this. I wonder if AIT is not clear about Taiwanese etiquette, or is there a holiday with you and Su?

Chen Xuesheng pointed out that among the legislators, apart from Jiang Qichen, who was the chairman of the KMT, who barely showed a shot, only Gao Jiayu was the only one among the 112 members who was loved. Not only did they have the shots, they were more time-consuming and dynamic. Other legislators were ignored. Missing one! Including President You Xikun, he sighed: “This really disappoints You Xikun’s enthusiasm for meeting with Director Li Yingjie at the Legislative Yuan in February 2020.”

Chen Xuesheng believes that Su Kui has become Taiwan’s most hated politician by doing his best to import pigs, but why are the Americans not grateful at all? They don’t even give a chance. Instead, other members of the cabinet have them, even the first. Science and Technology Minister Chen Liangji stepped down, but Ge Kui Su Zhenchang did not. This can enrage you even more. “You said it won’t make people mad, it’s a lie.”

Chen Xuesheng encouraged Lu Xiuyan, saying that the level that was overlooked was the same as that of the President of the Legislative Yuan and the President of the Executive Yuan. Most importantly, if AIT left her out due to dissatisfaction with the protest against Laizhu, this is even more good. It means that he will not hesitate to offend Americans and still insist on protecting the health of Taiwanese. “You support the vast majority of the people. The position is on the right side.”

Finally, Chen Xuesheng also asked Lu Xiuyan: “Come on! Use re-election to show your strength. Only the voters are the true teachers. Let’s use actions to show it!”

AIT not only missed Lu Xiuyan … In the AIT 2020 review film, the director of Liudu “deliberately” missed Lu Xiuyan, but in fact, you don’t need to worry too much, because there should be two people who really they miss and make people angry. One is the chairman of the legislative Yuan You Xikun, and the other is the chairman of the executive Yuan Su Zhenchang. I don’t know if AIT is not clear about the Taiwanese label or is related to

Posted by Xuesheng Chen on Thursday Dec 31, 2020

(Zhongshi News Network)
