- A shocking bullet! Changhua’s famous egg yolk pastry “Fuji Fang” has been suspended since 9/9 due to the ETtoday news cloud epidemic
- Yolk cake chaos! The mother and daughter purchasing agents did not receive the money and began to fight in the street | Sanli News Taiwan Sanli News Net SETN
- Penetration! The famous egg yolk bakery “Fujifang” suspended on-site sales of udn UNRWA from 9 September to prevent epidemics.
- End the chaos of queues? Changhua’s famous egg yolk patisserie, Fuji Square, suspended sales there in response to “Wufei” on 9/9 Taiwan Apple Daily
- Put an end to the yolk cake chaos! Changhua Buerfang opened the land “sales on the site will be banned from 9/9” Sanli News.com
- Go to Google News to see the full report