A Kaohsiung woman returned from Shanghai to Taiwan for home quarantine on the fifth day of her sudden death and it remains to be tested whether she was infected with the lung-Taiwan Apple Daily


  1. A Kaohsiung woman returned from Shanghai to Taiwan to undergo home quarantine on the fifth day of her sudden death, and it remains to be tested whether she was infected with her lungs Taiwan Apple Daily
  2. Second death since Lu returned to Taiwan during residence inspection in Kaohsiung Forest Park The woman who died suddenly in Kaohsiung Forest Park is undergoing an UNRWA inspection today!
  3. A Kaohsiung woman in her 40s who returned to Taiwan from Shanghai for home quarantine was found dead in her home
  4. News / Kaohsiung women died at home on the fifth day after returning to Taiwan from Shanghai for home quarantine! ETtoday News Cloud
  5. Kaohsiung also reported that “China returns to Taiwan” Quarantined death at home! The latest statement from the Bureau of Health, China TV News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report