A 35-year-old single woman with abdominal pain squatted on the toilet and dropped her fetus, and her friend exploded that she had at least 4 deliveries and her oldest daughter was paralyzed | Apple News | Apple Daily


A 35-year-old single woman surnamed Li in Hsinchu gave birth to a baby in the bathroom early yesterday morning (4). She did not dare tell her family for fear of being scolded. She dialed 119 alone and waited for the ambulance staff to arrive. He dared to tell the truth. When the ambulance team lifted the baby from the bath, the baby had lost signs of life. Prosecutors will dissect the baby’s body, clarify the detailed cause of death, and pursue the relevant criminal responsibilities. Friends who are familiar with Li Nv cannot move on. It is not the first time that Li Nv gave birth out of wedlock. She gave birth to at least 4 children and left her oldest daughter in a vegetative state. She was so angry that she would regenerate without ligation. I hope the relevant units can help. Birth control, don’t let innocent children be born.

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It is understood that the Li woman lives with her mother and many relatives. He usually works in a snack bar. Making friends is more difficult. She met a man, got loose and got pregnant. However, due to her obesity, she did not even meet her mother during pregnancy. There was a slight lump and the mother was concerned about the question, but Li’s daughter simply replied that her kidneys were not well edema and her family had no suspicions.

Yesterday (4) early in the morning, Li Nuo suffered severe pain. He found heavy bleeding when he squatted on the toilet. She looked down and discovered that she had given birth to a baby. Due to the sudden incident, Li Nuo was very afraid of fear and did not dare to tell her mother the first time. He had to pretend he had blood in his stool and called 119 to wait for the ambulance staff to arrive.

The Hsinchu City Fire Department received the notification around 7 in the morning and sent ambulance personnel there. She found that Li Nu was sitting on the toilet and seemed nervous. After repeated questions from ambulance staff, Li Nu said she gave birth at 5 o’clock. The baby is in the bath. After hearing the news, paramedics were shocked and quickly opened the toilet to check. Sure enough, they found a baby in the toilet and immediately lifted him from the toilet. However, the baby had lost signs of life and died after being sent to the doctor.

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After receiving the report, the police immediately went to investigate and discovered that the baby’s placenta was still at the scene. After Li Nu returned to the investigation, she said that she did not know who the father was and that she did not know that she was pregnant. As to whether the baby died before or after delivery. He was suffocated by water and lost temperature. The detailed cause of death has yet to be clarified by autopsy.

The social worker from the Hsinchu City Social Affairs Office went to pay attention and found that Li Nv did not receive a disability certificate, nor did he receive regular welfare benefits. At present, the entire case has entered the judicial process. In addition to cooperating with judicial investigations, the Social Department will also understand the resources needed at Li Nv’s home. Give assistance.

“Apple News” found a Miss Chen who had known Li Nu for many years. She broke the news that Li Nu is a famous “Meat Fish” live host, often broadcasting live videos of herself dancing and eating betel nuts. What is more popular is that, The birth of Li Nv’s bath was not her first child. She gave birth to her first eldest daughter in 2013 with a partner, but she accidentally fell and impaired her movement and speech development. He had to depend on others for his life. “Different”, also for this case, was sentenced to 2 years probation for negligent injury, and all cases have verdict records available for consultation. Later, she gave birth to 2 or 3 children, but was placed by the Office of Social Affairs for incapacity to support and a child was suspected. abortion.

“If it doesn’t bind, it will regenerate,” Chen said angrily. Girl Li’s friendships were complicated and she even ran part-time errands. The biological father of the girl did not know who he was. This time she saw the bathroom delivery on the news and was so angry she couldn’t take it anymore. He decided to go public with his evil. Ms. Chen said that she had previously advised her to find a full-time job and asked her to visit her paralyzed eldest daughter. But instead of visiting her, she even pretended to be compassionate to everyone in the mothers group and asked for money. There was no money at the end of the month. The live broadcast is unfortunate, and netizens are often distressed because the boy donates 1,000 or 3,000 to him, but Chen said that Li Nv appears to be smart and has a mental disability, but is very cunning and intelligent. “He is a normal person” and refuses to work pretending. Poor scam money.

Regarding the reason why Li gave birth to many children, Ms. Chen also bluntly stated that she continued to give birth because she did not have money to take the children. He also didn’t like using condoms. The girl is truly innocent, and I hope that the relevant units can force her to use contraception and stop allowing innocent children to be born.

Many netizens also voiced their impressions of Li Nu in “Booming Waste Commune Room 2”, leaving messages hoping that they would link her up so that no more innocent children would be born. Some even scolded “Children are really too pitiful, why are there still people like that?” You can live your life outside ”. Some netizens even posted a live feed of her at the hospital yesterday (4th), screaming “too ridiculous.” In this regard, the Department of Social Affairs of Hsinchu City stated that Li Nv did indeed have two resettled children after the investigation. However, regarding the eldest daughter who was paralyzed by her and the fourth abortion, because Li Nv’s address is not Hsinchu city, there is no relevant record, but she will Provide relevant assistance during the investigation in course.

As for how to deal with a similar emergency situation, Chen Wenbin, the attending physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dongwon General Hospital, said that because there are a lot of bacteria in the toilet, if the baby is born in the toilet accidentally , the baby can become infected if he falls into the toilet. Pick up the child, then take a clean blanket to dry, wrap and keep warm, then cut the umbilical cord with sterile scissors, remember to put the placenta in a plastic bag and get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

If the child is born at home and there is no time to rush to the hospital, Chen Wenbin said that the immediate emergency treatment is to cut the umbilical cord and keep the baby warm. At this time, sterile scissors are needed. The scissors can be sterilized with fire, alcohol, or betadine. But pay attention to the use of betadine, be sure to clean it again with alcohol to avoid the umbilical cord touch betadine.

As for the heat preservation part, because the baby is warmer in the mother’s body, the outside temperature urgently drops after delivery, which is prone to the risk of temperature loss. Therefore, after the umbilical cord is broken, use a clean blanket to wrap the child to avoid loss of temperature. As for the placenta, you can first put it in a plastic bag and take it to the hospital to be evaluated by the doctor. (Reported by Huang Yixin from the Emergency Center / Hsinchu)
