Rock and Ship officers and soldiers are re-inspected and released at night, if all negative, isolation will be lifted at 7 pm-Liberty Times e-newsletter


  1. Rock and ship officers and soldiers are again inspected and released at night
  2. Diagnosis of 4 people on the Rock Ship! Suspicious Party Sends Letter to Thank Medical Staff for “One Word” to Expose Their Hearts | New coronary pneumonia NOWnews
  3. Main reason for rock ships group meeting announced: Chen Shizhong: Attack rate is much lower than foreign fleet udn United News Network
  4. Kangding and Yuefei lifted their separation early in the morning, and officers and men left the quarantine office one after the other.
  5. The Rock Ship has 4 new positives and 346 will be inspected again today
  6. Go to Google News to see the full story