Kim Jong-un appeared in a conflict! Frontline sentinel fired by North Korea, South Korean army opened fire to respond: Liberty Times e-newsletter


  1. Kim Jong-un appeared in a conflict! Frontline post fired by North Korea, South Korean army opened fire in response to Liberty Times bulletin
  2. Throw! Tuo Bei members still said: 99% of Kim Jong-un is dead udn United News Network
  3. News / Jin Zhengen just appeared! North Korea Suddenly “Shoot South Korean Outposts”, Han Army Strikes Back
  4. Bulletin / North Korea fired several bullets “hit South Korea’s post in the demilitarized zone”! Han Jun shot ETtoday warning
  5. Kim Jong Un only appeared! Gunfire along the South Korea-South Korea border strikes back China Times News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full story