At the critical moment of epidemic prevention, Lan Ying froze the tens of millions of budgets of the disease control agency. | Politics | Newtalk


The Yuan Kuomintang Legislative Caucus proposed freezing the CDC's budget on pig importation grounds.  Image shows Kuomintang propaganda campaign against Lai pig referendum Image: Obtained from Kuomintang Facebook

The Yuan Kuomintang Legislative Caucus proposed freezing the CDC’s budget on pig importation grounds. Image shows Kuomintang propaganda campaign against Lai pig referendum Image: Retrieved from Kuomintang Facebook

Recently, the situation of the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) in Taiwan has been tense, and the number of infections in the Taoyuan Ministry hospital continues to rise. Right now, it is at a critical time for the prevention of the epidemic. Unexpectedly, the KMT Legislative Yuan caucus wanted to cut the CDC this year. According to the budget, Chen Yuzhen, a lawmaker of her own, asked to freeze CDA’s budget of 10 million yuan on the grounds of testing pigs containing ractopamine in the United States, which DPP lawmaker Wang Dingyu is so angry that the KMT “makes no distinction between people and pigs” and does not take national health into account.

Chen Yuzhen’s proposal calls for freezing the CDC’s budget of 10 million yuan. Due to the decrease in the sensitivity of Taiwan’s border inspections in recent years, it has not reached 60% in 2018 and 2019 for two consecutive years. After the opening of American hogs, inspection pressure has doubled and questioned the current expansion. If border inspection personnel can be charged, the Ministry of Health and Welfare must submit a special report to the Legislative Yuan Health and Environmental Protection Committee within a month, and the Legislative Yuan can only spend the budget after agreeing .

In response, DPP lawmaker Wang Dingyu chided that the Kuomintang displayed an outrageous mentality of cutting back where the country needs or where the government performs well. In reality, he wanted to freeze CDD funds on the grounds of opening the American hogs. No wonder it was he laughed. No distinction is made between people and pigs. “

Wang Dingyu pointed out that the American pig is managed by the Council of Agriculture and the CDC is responsible for people’s health and epidemic prevention measures. No matter what the reason is, the CDC budget should not be frozen at this critical time. The KMT’s piracy of the budget made him feel that it is very incredible that criticizing the Kuomintang is no longer the “Taiwan Opposition Party” but the “opposition to the Taiwan Party.”

In addition to Chen Yuzhen, KMT lawmaker Chen Chaoming also proposed a similar proposal, believing that border quarantine-related measures should be reviewed and adjusted. Therefore, the proposal freezes 10% of the budget of more than 42 million yuan of the “Strengthening the border Quarantine and prevention plan for epidemics abroad.”

Kuomintang legislator Fei Hongtai also proposed eliminating 5 million yuan from the 58.48 million “Infectious Disease Prevention and Response Plan” of the CDC’s “Epidemic Prevention Business” project, arguing that the Purpose of funds is unclear and goal setting is unclear.

Recently, the situation of the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) in Taiwan has been tense, and the number of nosocomial infections in the Taoyuan Ministry Hospital continues to rise. This is a critical time for the prevention of the epidemic.

Unexpectedly, the KMT legislative group wanted to cut CDC’s budget this year. His own lawmaker, Chen Yuzhen, called for freezing the CDC’s 10 million yuan budget on the grounds of testing pigs containing ractopamine in the United States.

Let DPP legislator Wang Dingyu be so angry that the Kuomintang “does not distinguish between people and pigs” and ignores national health

In response to Lanying's proposal to freeze the CDC budget on Laizhu's reasons, DPP lawmaker Wang Dingyu rebuked the KMT saying that

In response to Lanying’s proposal to freeze the CDC’s budget on Laizhu’s grounds, DPP lawmaker Wang Dingyu rebuked the KMT saying “there is no distinction between people and pigs.” Image: New photo of data from the head housing
