MLB / “Evil Empire” Yankees Sign Former Cy Young Player Kluber | Sports | NOWnews Today News


MLB / “Evil Empire” Yankees Sign Former Cy Young Kluber Player | Sports | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Reporter Wu Zhenghong / Full Report

2021-01-16 09:27:07

▲ Corey Kluber.  (Photo / Associated Press / Dazhi Video)
▲ Corey Kluber has won the Cy Young Award twice in the past. (Photo / Associated Press / Dazhi Video)

According to a report on the official Major League Baseball website, the New York Yankees’ “Evil Empire” has signed former Cy Young Award strong voter Corey Kluber (Kluber), pending the announcement of the physical. .

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The US media “ESPN” revealed that Corey Kluber’s contract is up to 11 million dollars, equivalent to about 300 million Taiwan dollars, and whether the Yankees can renew the contract with General Tanaka is also the key. Corey Kluber made his debut for the Indians in 2011 and won 18 wins in 2014 and 2017, both of which are an affirmation of the Cy Young Award. He has racked up 98 wins and 58 losses in his major league career, has a 3.16 defense rate, and scored 2 wins. The king followed the defense rate king 1 time. In addition, he has thrown more than 200 innings for five consecutive years from 2014 to 2018. Last year, he injured the Rangers’ right shoulder and only fired one inning.

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