China Accepts Entry of WHO Experts, Tan Desai: Wuhan Investigation | TechNews


China agreed to join the World Health Organization’s international team of experts, but did not specify the details of the itinerary. On the 11th, the WHO Secretary General, Tedros Tedros, announced that the international team of experts will carry out an investigation from Wuhan to determine the infection route of the first cases.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus took the initiative to express in a press video conference held in Geneva on the 11th that he is happy that the international team of scientists has started traveling to China. They will work with Chinese scientists to identify the origin of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID- 19, Wuhan pneumonia). Jointly launch scientific research.

Compared to China, he did not explain the itinerary, but Tan Desai took the initiative to announce that an investigation will be launched in Wuhan to determine the route of infection of the first cases. These evidence-based scientific tests will help to establish hypotheses and become the basis for future long-term research. This is not only important for the 2019 coronavirus disease study, but also helps control diseases that may pose a pandemic threat in the future.

Tan Desai thanked all relevant parties and countries that supported this mission, including Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Kenya, the Netherlands, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Vietnam.

The WHO Executive Director for Health Emergencies (Mike Ryan) added that the international team of experts went to China to find answers that could save lives in the future, not to find the culprit, and to make this task a science rather than a A politic.

WHO experts originally intended to enter China in early January, but were delayed due to a lack of visas issued by Beijing. Tedros had already publicly expressed his disappointment at a press conference.

China’s National Health Commission said on January 11 that an international team of 10 WHO experts tasked with investigating the origin of the 2019 coronavirus disease will arrive in China on January 14, but did not provide details of the itinerary.

The 2019-nCoV disease first appeared in Wuhan in late 2019 and then spread outside of China, claiming more than 1.8 million lives so far.

(Author: Tang Peijun; first performance Source:Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
