[Repetir]Pompeo’s VOA speech: What to transmit to the outside world | Live newsroom | VOA


[La Gran Época 11 de enero de 2021]On Monday (January 11) at 3:00 pm ET, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a speech on Voice of America. NTD and The Epoch Times will join in this Live Streaming (Simultaneous Chinese translation). Stay tuned.

Pompeo visited the VOA headquarters in Washington at 3:00 this afternoon and addressed all the employees of the United States Global Media Administration (USAGM). Voice of America reported that Pompeo will speak about the importance of foreign broadcasts from the United States when American values ​​and interests are threatened by the CCP.

In his speech, Pompeo said that the foundation of the United States is that all people enjoy the rights that God grants them, and the duty of the government is to protect these human rights.

The Voice of America needs to spread the voice of the United States, Pompeo said, anywhere in the world. He stressed that the media should report real news, not to Beijing, not to Iran, not to a platform; nor can they transmit false news. , This is our great place.

He also said that big tech companies like Twitter and Apple cannot censor speech and stifle free speech, because this approach is contrary to the founding of the United States and the ideals that the United States promotes around the world.

Pompeo said that the CCP is in fact the biggest threat facing the United States, because the CCP goes against humanitarianism and Western values. This can be seen in the CCP’s troubles in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, etc. Therefore, when dealing with the CCP, you should adopt a “mistrust and decertification” attitude.

Pompeo also said that the Trump administration has laid the groundwork for being tough on the CCP. This is the consensus of the two parties. He expressed his hope that the next government will support religious freedom and democracy.

Following Pompeo’s speech, he also had a dialogue with Voice of America director Robert Riley.

The US Global Media Administration is comprised of five news organizations: Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Cuban Broadcasting Office, Radio Free Asia, and Middle East Radio.

CCP Reacts Fiercely to Removing US Restrictions on Trade with Taiwan

In recent days, the United States has continuously attacked the CCP. Last Saturday (9) Pompeo announced that the abolition of the restrictions imposed by the United States on exchanges between the United States and Taiwan over the years is considered an important advance in bilateral relations in recent years. The statement stated that the administrative agency can now be considered invalid for all contact guidelines in Taiwan issued by the United States Department of State on behalf of the Secretary of State.

This is an administrative memorandum that lifted the “Guidelines for exchanges with Taiwan” issued by the administration of President Barack Obama in 2015. It prohibits Taiwanese representatives in the United States from entering the State Department building, while raising the flag of Taiwan at Double Oak Park and to US Government Agencies Display the ROC flag.

Pompeo stated in the statement that Taiwan is a reliable partner of the United States. However, in recent decades, the United States has imposed complicated internal restrictions to regulate that diplomatic and other public officials comply with these restrictions when communicating with Taiwan. The United States did, “the purpose is to appease the Chinese communist regime, but it no longer does so.”

Taiwanese Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie said that this is an important event for the improvement of relations between Taiwan and the US. “The Foreign Ministry expresses its sincere welcome and appreciation to the US for His actions. He also expresses his great gratitude to the US Congressmen who have long promoted the relaxation or lifting of restrictions on trade between Taiwan and the United States. “

The Chinese Communist Party reacted strongly. Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Li insisted that “Pompeo and his peers” “stop manipulating Taiwan-related issues” and “otherwise they will be severely punished with death.” The Communist Party of China media Global Times threatened the DPP not to follow the United States, otherwise it would be “the last days of the DPP regime’s existence.” He also said that if Pompeo is allowed to visit Taiwan before the end of his term, “Beijing’s response will be overwhelming.”

US State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus responded: “Sorry, Global Times, you are wrong again!” “There are no plans to travel to Taiwan this week, but we will continue to support Taiwan as a success. A market economy, a vibrant democracy and the good forces of the world.”

Ottagos said, “The CCP must act responsibly and stop believing the lies that (the CCP) spreads. Its diplomacy of tension and panic is unfounded and dangerous.”

The United States is studying and judging the possibility of taking new measures against the CCP

On the same day (January 9), the foreign ministers of the United States and the three allied countries issued a joint statement in which they expressed serious concern about the mass detention of pan-democrats by the Hong Kong authorities.

White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien released a statement claiming that Beijing and Hong Kong authorities have used national security laws to indiscriminately arrest Democrats and that Chinese authorities continue to hiding the origin of the new corona virus. The United States is studying and judging to take further steps to respond.

He said: “The United States is the first great country to have the courage and determination to frankly point out the true nature of the Chinese communist regime. It is vital that every country in the world hold Beijing to account. It is irresponsible and damaging to Beijing. Whether you are ending the rule of law in Hong Kong or failing to cooperate with international health officials on the issue of the new corona pandemic, the world cannot sustain naive ideas or even conspire with them and continue to pay a high price. The United States is studying and judging to take further steps to respond. “

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations visits Taiwan this week and meets with Tsai Ing-wen

Pompeo also announced last week that Kelly Craft, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, will visit Taiwan. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie told the media today (January 11) that Kraft will visit Taiwan from Wednesday (13) to Friday (15) and will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen on the 14th.

He also said that Kraft’s visit to Taiwan this time was mainly to discuss how to promote Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, which is very important to Taiwan.

Pompeo also said on Twitter last Friday (January 8): “We are with our friends in Taiwan. In the past three years, the Trump administration has sold more than $ 15 billion worth of arms to Taiwan. What about the Obama administration? 8 years 140 100 million US dollars “. The post should have annotations to “calculate math” and a photo of the ROC military should be posted in the tweet.

Pompeo: Religious freedom, terrorism, and violence will not escalate

Additionally, Pompeo posted a series of tweets on Thursday (January 7) and Friday (January 8), emphasizing the importance of religious freedom. He said: “Maintaining the right to religious freedom is a necessity for morality and national security. Where there is no religious freedom, terrorism and violence will escalate. Our support for religious groups abroad helps ensure that Americans be protected and prosper at home. ” . “

He also said, “The defense of human dignity, especially religious freedom, remains at the core of America’s foreign policy.”

On December 3, 2020, Pompeo met with representatives of groups in Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, and Falun Gong that have been severely persecuted by the CCP.

On December 10, 2020, the US State Department sanctioned 17 current and former foreign government officials who participated in serious human rights violations, including Huang Yuanxiong, director of the Wucun Police Station of the Public Security Bureau. from Xiamen, who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China.

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