Trump Pence’s First Meeting in the Oval Office After Congressional Incident | Removal of Trump | Violence in Congress | Article 25 amendment


[La Gran Época 12 de enero de 2021](Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan reported) Several US media reported on Monday (January 11) that US President Trump (Trump) and Vice President Pence were on the same day. Meeting in the Oval Office, this was the first time the two met after the violence in Congress on January 6.

Bloomberg cited the statement by an anonymous White House official that the president and vice president agreed that those who broke into Capitol Hill did not represent Trump’s 75 million “America First” supporters, and the two promised to continue for the remaining nine days of his mandate. It works on behalf of the country.

The official revealed that this was a good dialogue between the president and the vice president, they discussed next week’s work and summarized the government’s work in the last four years.

Bloomberg reported that Trump’s meeting with Pence demonstrated that President Trump will not be forced to resign or face impeachment from the cabinet after the riots on the US Capitol last week.

The report said that last Wednesday (6), hundreds of supporters of President Trump rushed to the Capitol, disrupted the Electoral College vote counting and caused the vice president and congressmen to asylum and escape from the House of Representatives and the Senate . Pence was very angry at Trump.

The senior administration official said President Trump and Vice President Pence agreed to work together until the end of this term.

Democrats in the House of Representatives have been pressuring Pence to take action, invoking the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, allowing the vice president and most members of the cabinet to remove President Trump from office. A source told The Epoch Times that Vice President Pence did not support the use of the 25th Amendment.

Bloomberg also cited a person familiar with the matter who revealed that Pence has privately denied this idea, thinking it is not feasible.

On Monday morning, Democrats in the House of Representatives formally proposed a unanimous resolution to impeach Trump, demanding that Trump be removed from the presidency in accordance with the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution; however, it was vetoed by the Republican House of Representatives.

Democrats have organized a full vote on Tuesday (12) at 7:30 pm on the resolution to remove President Trump; and on Wednesday (13) at 9 am on Wednesday (13) on the impeachment of President Trump.

“Washington Examier” (Washington Examier) and Fox TV cited sources who reported that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told colleagues Monday that President Trump said he was responsible for some of the Congressional violence on day 6. responsibility.

Trump delivered a speech to the public at a rally in Washington DC that day and believed that there was electoral fraud and theft of election results. At the same time, he hopes Pence can reject electoral votes in some states suspected of fraud. Trump’s speech did not encourage people to use violence.

The FBI is investigating the matter. When Trump made a speech at the rally and before finishing his speech (1:15 PM on the 6th), a group of people had already appeared near the Capitol; Furthermore, the Republican National Committee (RNC) found the first one at 12:45 noon. The tube bomb, and then the Democratic National Committee (DNC) discovered the second tube bomb.

US President Trump announced Monday that Washington, DC is in a state of emergency and ordered federal assistance to supplement DC’s work in response to the inauguration ceremony of 59th President Joe Biden on the 20th. emergency will be January 2021. November 11 to January 24.

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei
