Is Putting Trump On The Guillotine Over? Former Diplomat Reveals America Has Been Hit-Politics-China Times


Supporters of the president of the United States, Trump, stormed the Capitol on the 6th and a bloody and deadly conflict broke out, causing concern around the world. Former diplomat Jie Wenji said that the advance of Congress by the American people was not instigated by Trump alone, but long-standing social antagonism and abuses have left the United States covered in bruises. He doesn’t believe that if Trump is sent to the guillotine, the American people will surrender.

Jie Wen Jijin (10th) pointed out on Facebook that the biggest difference between Washington and other big cities in the United States is that there are no tall buildings, because the law stipulates that no building can be taller than the Capitol. The reason behind this is that the founders of the United States believed that the people are the tallest and the people are the greatest, and Congress represents the people, so there is no building in Washington that can be bigger. or higher than the Capitol.

However, this palace representing the American people was destroyed, invaded and temporarily occupied by the American people two days ago. Jie Wenji said that the town has defeated the town, but unfortunately, the guards who defended the town shot them in the process. An unarmed people died and four Americans died in this battle. After the incident, there was an uproar in the world: some were shocked, some were puzzled, some sighed, and some rejoiced.

Many people blamed Trump for this incident. Now there are people in Washington talking about impeaching Trump. Trump’s Twitter account has also been suspended. But even if Trump is sent to the guillotine, will the American people stop doing so? Jie Wenji believes that “of course not” and that the American people break into the palace of the American people. It is not Trump alone who can instigate, but the increasingly serious generations and values ​​of race, class, rich and poor in America. The geographical confrontation has already cut deep into the land of North America.

Jie Wenji said bluntly that the United States, with a history of only more than 200 years, may not yet be clear. There is no unshakable empire or permanent victor. “When you are satisfied, you have lost the opportunity to correct yourself. When you tell others without shame, you forget to recognize your own importance.”

Regarding the vast and fertile land that God has given America for over two hundred years, no one can covet it, Ji Wen sighs: “Once upon a time, the American people were reduced to the need to stand up and take over their own palace. It doesn’t matter who is right or who is wrong, America is really sick. It’s not light, but do you know what disease they have? “

The biggest difference between Washington and other big cities in the United States is that there are no tall buildings. The reason is that the law stipulates that no building can be taller than the parliament building. Because the founders of the United States believed that the people are the tallest and the people are the greatest, and Congress represents the people, there is no building in Washington that can be bigger or taller than the Capitol. This temple that represents the American people, …

Posted by Jie Wenji on Saturday Jan 9, 2021

(Zhongshi News Network)
