[Observación del West Bund]Trump: The journey has just begun | Electoral vote authentication | Impact on Congress | Antifa


[La Gran Época, 8 de enero de 2021]Hello everyone! Welcome to West Bund Observation, I am Lin Xiaoran. Today is Thursday, January 7. In the early hours of this morning, the United States Congress approved the voter certification of the electors of each state and recognized the Democratic presidential candidate Biden as president. Due to social media bans, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Scavino issued a statement on Twitter on behalf of President Trump and called for calm.

Trump video statement: condemns violence and ensures a smooth transition

Trump said: “Even if I completely disagree with the results of the general election, the facts have proved my point, but there will be an orderly transition on January 20. I have always said that we will continue to work hard to ensure that they are only counted. legitimate votes. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in the president’s history, it is just the beginning of our fight to make America great again! “

Yet the congressional clash incident continued to ferment yesterday afternoon, with Trump supporters going from “patriots” to “thugs” on the lips of the left-wing media overnight. Democrats even threatened to hold Trump accountable for the violence, and even called for the activation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which requires Vice President Pence to remove Trump from his presidency and even plan to try him again before January 20.

Under pressure, Trump released a new video statement on Twitter this afternoon. The main points are as follows: First, condemn yesterday’s violence. He said, “I have always tried to act within the limits of the law, and immediately ordered the National Guard and federal law enforcement officers to defend the Capitol and drive out the invaders.” Second, to ensure a smooth transition of the regime. He said that this is the focus of his next stage of work. Third, the current epidemic situation requires everyone to work together to overcome the epidemic and rebuild the economy. In the end, Trump said that American society needs recovery and reconciliation. He knows his fans are disappointed, but “the wonderful journey has just begun.”

The last sentence, which is quite consistent with Scarvino’s tweet, means that Trump will not accept defeat and will not remain silent, he will continue to fight for “America to be great again.”

The California woman shot is a retired Air Force veteran.

According to media reports, four people have been confirmed dead, dozens more injured and at least 70 people have been arrested. In addition to the women who were shot and killed in Congress, another woman and two men died in an “emergency health situation.” In addition, the Capitol Police Sergeant also said today that more than 50 Metropolitan Police officers from the Capitol and Washington were injured in the riot parade and that several were taken to hospital for treatment.

Today, the identity of the woman who was shot and killed has been confirmed as Ashli ​​Babbit, a retired California Air Force veteran. She had served 14 years prior. Her husband confirmed that Babbitt is a huge Trump supporter. The day before attending the rally in DC, Babbitt posted on Twitter: “This is a list of tasks that must be completed before today’s meeting,” including “Vice President Pence must resign and then be charged with treason” and ” Chief Chief Judge Roberts must resign. “

Images circulating the Internet showed Babbitt, who was running in front, was hit in the chest by a congressional agent in a suit and fell to the ground.


Representative: Antifa disguised Trump supporters to create violence

In yesterday’s program I mentioned that anti-faction elements of the ultra-left organization were suspected of participating and instigating the attack on Congress. In this video, we can see that two men dressed in black broke glass at the entrance to Congress, and nearby Trump supporters tried to stop them.

At the joint meeting of Congress last night, Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz stated bluntly that the violence on Capitol Hill was committed by members of the violent Antifa organization disguised as supporters of President Trump. He specifically mentioned that the US media reported the matter.

Gates also accused Democrats of simply condemning the violent act of breaking into Capitol Hill and treating this violent incident as a political incident, which he believed was biased. He stressed: “This is the time to build America, not the time to tear it apart and destroy it.”

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, who challenged electoral votes in Congress, provided compelling evidence via Twitter today, pointing out that Antifa was to blame for this incident and reminding the public that I should not be misled by reports from “media false communication “.

Brooks gave mainly four points of evidence. He Said: A congressman reminded him Monday that Antifa threats were increasing and suggested that he sleep in the office. He said he followed this advice and slept in the office for four consecutive nights.

The congressman also said that congressional police reminded him Tuesday that there was intelligence indicating that the fascist Antifa would try to infiltrate Trump’s rally by wearing clothes like Trump supporters. “The parliament police advised all members of Congress not to leave the parliament building the day before the meeting.

Brooks said a large body of public evidence shows that many of the people who attacked the Capitol were Antiphas, not Trump supporters.

Today, the conservative TV OANN revealed that a member of the ultra-left Utah organization had entered the Capitol yesterday. The local television station confirmed that the person was named John Sullivan (John Sullivan), an active member of the organization “Insurrection USA” in Utah, and that the concept of “Insurrection USA” was the same as that of BLM. Sullivan argued to the media that he entered Congress only to “report” on the spot. However, police information shows that he is firmly opposed to Trump and his supporters. He was arrested on suspicion of violent crimes in a “dark life” riot in Salt Lake City last year. OANN analyzed that Sullivan’s identity indicates that the conflict on Capitol Hill may have been deliberately sparked by Antifa.

In a video, a Pennsylvania rally said the identities of those who took the lead in breaking the glass were suspicious. He hid behind those people and listened to them discuss how to act. All the rallies said they weren’t Trump at all. follower.

Trump is attacked in the back and Chuan fans have “thugs” on their back

The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the United States, published an article today asking parents and teachers to tell their students that Wednesday’s conflict was a violent attempt to prevent Congress from proving that President-elect Biden won the election.

Today, the Senate Democratic leader, Schumer, publicly called for the removal of President Trump. He said in a statement: “What happened yesterday on Capitol Hill was a rebellion against the United States instigated by the president. According to CNN, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi called Pence today and asked for the immediate listing of number 25.” The amendment allowed the current president to resign, but Pence rejected it.

Being overweight on social media blocked Trump’s account. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said today that Facebook and Instagram will continue to block Trump’s account, at least until he leaves the White House. Twitter began yesterday to block Trump’s account for 12 hours and warned for the first time that it could impose a permanent suspension.

It can be said that this congressional shock incident made Trump suffer the enemy’s back and left Sichuan fans face up as “thugs.” Candace Owens, a well-known black conservative activist, tweeted today: “I remind all leftists that I am not ashamed to support Trump. For the past four years, I have been steadfastly committed to all the patriots in this country. They stuck together. Your insults have inspired me and will continue to inspire me. “

That’s it for today’s show. If you like my show, please like it, subscribe and forward it. Until next time!

[Observación de West Bund]Production team

Editor in Charge: Wang Xi #
