“Shadow” Chuan Fan attacked Congress 1 person was shot, dead woman fell to the ground with blood in her mouth, shocking scene exposed-International-China Times News


The American Council held a special joint meeting yesterday (6) afternoon to count the electoral votes and verify Biden’s victory. Unexpectedly, a large number of Sichuan fans stormed out. The Capitol was in chaos and a protester was shot in the chest and fell to the ground amid the chaos. After being sent to the hospital, she was sadly seriously injured and passed away. Now images of the woman after falling to the ground are also exposed, with a lot of blood coming out of her mouth, which is quite shocking.

The New York Post reported that a 30-second video appeared on Twitter, showing that after hearing a gunshot, a woman suddenly fell to the ground, unable to move, and blood drained from her mouth.

The other protesters rushed to help when they saw this, the woman was later taken on a stretcher and taken to the hospital, where she was seriously injured when she arrived at the hospital.

The report cites law enforcement sources who claim the woman was shot and killed by congressional police.

According to reports from the New York Post and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Chuanfan’s conflict over the Capitol building began at 1:30 pm on the 6th. Hundreds of protesters who had already entered the Capitol continued to pressure the police. . He successfully entered the Capitol building. After the protesters stormed, the congressional meeting was forced to suspend and Vice President Pence was evacuated.

On the afternoon of the 6th, Chuanfen was preparing to attack the United States Capitol building from the periphery.  (Photo / Reuters)
On the afternoon of the 6th, Chuanfen was preparing to attack the United States Capitol building from the periphery. (Photo / Reuters)
A large number of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the American Club building, eventually running into the building, and some people even climbed on the wall.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the American Club building, eventually running into the building, and some people even climbed on the wall. (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the American Club building, eventually breaking into the building.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the American Club building, eventually breaking into the building. (Photo / Associated press)

Many congressional police officers blocked the gate of the Chamber of Deputies, they were posted inside the gate with firearms, a large number of protesters had already reached the gate and were still running towards the gate. The person was told to stay away from doors and windows, to duck and put on a gas mask.

A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally broke into the building.  People surrounded the House of Representatives and the congressional police were stationed with guns.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally broke into the building. People surrounded the House of Representatives and the congressional police were stationed with guns. (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th. Finally, they ran into the building and surrounded the House of Representatives.  Members of the House of Representatives were asked to duck for safety.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th. Finally, they ran into the building and surrounded the House of Representatives. Members of the House of Representatives were asked to duck for safety. (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the United States Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally ran into the building.  The House of Representatives was surrounded and members of Congress had to wear gas masks.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered in front of the United States Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally ran into the building. The House of Representatives was surrounded and members of Congress had to wear gas masks. (Photo / Associated press)

Some protesters successfully stormed the Senate. At least two protesters were photographed occupying the gallery generally presided over by Senate President Pence. Some protesters shouted: “Trump won the election!”

Chuanfen stormed the Senate.
A large number of Trump fans gathered outside the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally ran into the building, and Chuan fans also stormed the Senate.  (Photo / Associated press)
A large number of Trump fans gathered outside the US Congress building to demonstrate on the afternoon of the 6th and finally ran into the building, and Chuan fans also stormed the Senate. (Photo / Associated press)

Additionally, someone broke into the personal office of Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and a man took a selfie with his feet on Pelosi’s desk.

News of the discovery of a suspected improvised bomb device was also heard from the Capitol.

Large numbers of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the US Congress building and finally broke into the building to protest that the police finally subdued the people.  (Photo / Associated press)
Large numbers of Trump fans gathered on the afternoon of the 6th to demonstrate in front of the US Congress building and finally broke into the building to protest that the police finally subdued the people. (Photo / Associated press)
文章 來源 : US Capitol, Washington DC, closed as Trump supporters breach the building
Article Source: Trump Supporters Rushed to Capitol Hill and Confronted Police Washington is about to touch curfew

(Zhongshi News Network)
