Moncef Slaoui, chief scientific consultant for “Operation Warp Speed,” said in an interview with CBS “Face the Nation” on January 3 that cumulative shipments of new coronavirus (Wuhan pneumonia, COVID-19) vaccines up to now For 17.5 million doses, a total of 1.5 million people completed the vaccination in the last 72 hours.
Slaoui said that after the Christmas season, the number of vaccinations will increase even more. If there are problems in the delivery or administration of vaccines in the United States, Curvature is ready to provide assistance.
Statistics from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that from December 13, 2020 to January 2, 2021 at 9 a.m. ET, a total of of 13,071,925 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and the cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccines delivered (The first dose) was 4,225,756 people.
The CDC stated that the doses listed above and the number of people administered included the new corona vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech.
Curvature Speed Action proposes to accelerate vaccination practices
Thomson Reuters reported that Slaoui mentioned in an interview with the “Face the Nation” program that to speed up vaccination, the US government is considering reducing by half the recommended dose of the new Modena corona vaccine for the 18-year-old population. 55 years. He said, “We know this will induce the same immune response.”
Slaoui also said that it may not be known until the end of the spring season if people who have been vaccinated can still transmit the virus to others. Action Curvature Speed is discussing the aforementioned dose halving concept with Modena and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
CNBC reported that Slaoui said Sunday that the FDA will eventually decide whether to give the 18- to 55-year-old age group a reduced dose of Modena’s new corona vaccine.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said in an exclusive interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Day 3 that the current problem facing the United States is not insufficient vaccines, and it is not right for more people to get vaccinated. practice.
Cumulative deaths of new crowns in America in early April may rise to 500,000
According to the website of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) of the University of Washington, the cumulative number of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States is estimated to increase to 567,195 on April 1, 2021. that the rapid launch of the new corona vaccine will only reduce the number of deaths. There are 555,374 cases. If 95% of the US population wears masks, the estimated number of cumulative deaths will drop to 518,464 cases.
According to data published by Worldometer, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States was 21,077,311 and the cumulative number of deaths was 359,978.
UK: Two vaccine injections will be 12 weeks apart
The British Ministry of Health recently issued a press release stating that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) recommends that more high-risk groups be given the first dose of the vaccine rather than completing two doses as soon as possible. .
The British Ministry of Health emphasizes that everyone will complete the second dose (providing full and longer term protection) within 12 weeks of the first dose.
The official US CDC website shows that the two doses of the new Pfizer BioNTech corona vaccine need to be given 21 days apart, and the new Modena corona vaccine needs 28 days apart.
(This article is reprinted with permission from MoneyDJ News; source for first image: Pixabay)
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