Largan Optical Law, TSMC Income, Hon Hai Research Institute Revealed This Week’s Top Events | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News


With the arrival of 2021, the three kings of the general market for Apple began for Taiwanese stocks. The stock market king is expected to lecture on Thursday. The market will pay attention to the progress of the three. TSMC will announce the December earnings on Friday, once again challenging to set a new high, and Hon Hai will maintain At the Institute’s inauguration ceremony, President Liu Yangwei and founder Guo Taiming will appear on the same stage to speak for the group confidence. The following is an announcement of the main events this week:

Largan Methodology Conference on Thursday, the market will pay attention

Largan is expected to hold a conference on Thursday (7). It will announce the financial report figures for the fourth quarter and full year 2020. It will also release its operating outlook for this year. The market is concerned about the strength of the iPhone this season and customers are adopting high-end lenses. Progress and progress of the new plant.

Since the second half of last year, Largan’s operating performance has declined compared to the past due to the impact of Huawei’s ban. CEO Lin Enping candidly said that single-customer high-end mobile phone lens products stopped in the third quarter, affecting the fourth-quarter sports performance and expected customers in December. Traction force only maintained the November level.

TSMC’s December revenue battles new highs in the fourth quarter

Kwon TSMC benefited from the peak provisioning season for the iPhone. The advanced process capacity is fully charged. In addition, the mature process is expanded with important applications. Production capacity is also on the verge of exploding. Based on market expectations, TSMC’s December revenue is expected to challenge a record. The overall fourth quarter will be better than the financial forecast, will hold firm at the trillion yuan mark throughout the year, and will rewrite the new You.

The Hon Hai Research Institute first introduced itself on Monday Guo Taiming and Liu Yangwei have been on the same stage again for almost a year.

Hon Hai sent an invitation letter to the media on the closing day of last year. The institute is expected to open on Monday (4). Founder Guo Taiming and President Liu Yangwei will be on the same stage again for a year, and they hope that by establishing the institute, Combined with the strengths of all sectors of industry, government and academia in the country and abroad, to create Taiwan’s next technological growth momentum.

Hon Hai pointed out that the research institute is an important development institution for the transformation and upgrade of the group towards F3.0. Focuses on forward-thinking technology research and development in the next 3-7 years, strengthens technology and product innovation, and enables Hon Hai to upgrade to “brain-intensive” and is also a group Development of “3 + 3” improves core competitiveness.

Apple Light blessed Taiwan’s fourth quarter import and export value last year, export value will set a new record last year

The Ministry of Finance will announce the import and export statistics for December on Friday (8). Driven by Apple’s new machine, demand for semiconductors and emerging technologies is strong. The export value in the fourth quarter is expected to reach the highest peak season in history, and the export value throughout the year will be more secure. A record.

Cai Meina, director of the Statistics Division of the Ministry of Finance, said that the value of exports on November 1 of this year was $ 312.29 billion, representing only a deficit of $ 21.7 billion from the all-time high. 2018. Even compared to all of 2019, the gap is only $ 16.9 billion. With the blessing of sourcing electronics in peak season and measuring the absolute amount of recent export value, this year’s exports are sure to hit a record high.

The central bank announced Wednesday that foreign exchange deposits will continue to rise by tens of billions of dollars in December and hit another high.

The Central Bank will announce the fund for foreign currency deposits on Wednesday (6). As the new Taiwan dollar continues to rise, the central bank has continued to enter the market to buy foreign exchange to defend the double line of defense. The market believes that the currency deposit fund in November has increased by US $ 12,156 million from the previous month. It will also maintain a monthly increase of tens of billions of dollars in capacity, and the annual deposit of foreign exchange will stand at 500 billion US dollars, which will increase enormously by more than 40 billion US dollars.
