Powell: President Trump is absolutely possible for re-election | Swing State | Joint Conference of Congress | Electoral fraud


[Noticias de La Gran Época el 3 de enero de 2021](Reported by Epoch Times English reporter Tom Ozimek / Compiled by Zhang Yujie) Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell said on December 29, 2020 that she was convinced it was over. At the joint meeting of Congress on January 6, President Trump is also “absolutely possible” for re-election.

Powell made the above statement when responding to host Gene Bailey’s question about “Trump’s successful re-election” on the FlashPoint show that day.

“There are currently a lot of lawsuits (for voter fraud) pending in the Federal Supreme Court,” Powell said. “We have targeted the four undecided states (Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia) for large-scale voter fraud. The court requested an emergency order requesting the court to cancel the election results of these four states to certify that Biden was elected president “.

Powell expects the hearing to review the appeal documents and related evidence from the previous cases, which record allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

In the complaint against Arizona, the main allegation is that “the scale of electoral fraud in violation of the Constitution in the 2020 presidential elections is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Biden’s votes include illegal votes, fraudulent votes and no There are hundreds of thousands of eligible votes or completely bogus votes, and hundreds of thousands of Trump votes have been deliberately destroyed, lost, or changed under the name of Biden. This large-scale fraud has changed. The outcome of the 2020 general election has changed from Biden’s defeat to Biden’s “victory.”

State election officials, the Justice Department and other officials procrastinated in the face of large-scale fraud; The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said the Nov. 3 election was “the safest election in US history.”

However, John Ratcliffe, director of national intelligence, confirmed to the media as early as December that there was foreign interference in the 2020 US elections.

CBS News lead reporter Catherine Herridge (Catherine Herridge) said on December 3: “Ratcliffe is in charge of 17 intelligence agencies and has direct access to top-secret US government intelligence. He told CBS News that China ( CCP), Iran Foreign governments such as Russia and Russia intervened in the November 2020 elections in the United States. He hopes to publish a related report in January next year. “

FlashPoint host Bailey asked Powell if the joint meeting of Congress on January 6 or the inauguration of the president on January 20 was “the end of Trump’s path to re-election.” Will there be more evidence exposed? Is it possible for Trump to be re-elected?

Powell said: “(Trump’s reelection) is absolutely possible. The Supreme Court can do it as long as it wants. The longer the delay, the greater the difficulty.

Powell did not elaborate on the relevant court proceedings, including actions by the Superior Court after the joint meeting of Congress on January 6, and actions the Supreme Court may have the power to take after the inauguration on January 20. from January. So far, the United States Supreme Court has dismissed two Trump team lawsuits challenging the election results, and federal and state courts have also rejected more than a dozen Trump team related lawsuits.

So far, some Republican lawmakers have indicated that they plan to challenge the Electoral College results at the joint meeting of Congress on January 6. A successful challenge means that the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and the Republican-controlled Senate have unanimously agreed to override the electoral college votes of the challenged state, and on the premise that neither candidate has won 270 electoral votes, may be based on the 12th Amendment Provisional Elections.

Editor in charge: Li Yuan #
