Judge Dismissed Case Against Burns, Texas Representative Prepares to Appeal | US General Election | Joint Conference of Congress | Fraud in general elections


[La Gran Época, 2 de enero de 2021](Epoch Times reporter Lin Yan reported) A Texas judge on Friday night (January 1) removed Congressman Louie Gohmert on disqualification grounds. Case of Vice President Mike Pence (Mike Pence). Gomert said he was willing to appeal.

In this case, Texas Republican Representative and lawyer Louie Gohmert (Louie Gohmert) filed a lawsuit, asking the court to rule that Vice President Pence has the right to override the vote count of the 6th Electoral College and determine the outcome of the presidential election.

Federal Judge Jeremy Kernodle said in the ruling: “Plaintiff Gomert is a member of the United States House of Representatives in the first congressional district of Texas, and in large part he is accusing the House of Representatives of institutional harm. According to The Supreme Court’s limited authority is not sufficient to support (plaintiff’s) qualifications. “

“The other plaintiffs, the Republican presidential elector of Arizona (the chosen nominee), the alleged injury cannot be fairly traced to the defendant, the vice president of the United States, and it is impossible to correct it with the requested relief,” added Kenold. Say.

“Therefore … the court lacks subjective jurisdiction in this case and must dismiss this lawsuit,” he added.

Gomert first filed a lawsuit against Vice President Pence in the Eastern District of Texas on December 28, 2020, asking the court to grant Pence “exclusive power” to decide which electoral college votes to count and override the count. of the 1887 elections. According to article 15 of the law, it is considered unconstitutional.

But the Justice Department attorney representing Pence filed a nonpartisan filing on Thursday (December 31, 2020), arguing that Vice President Pence is unfit as a defendant in the lawsuit; Gomert should file a lawsuit against Congress, not against Pence’s office. File a lawsuit.

Gomert delivered the last response to the court during the day on Friday, noting that the lawyers of the Ministry of Justice hide “behind the procedural arguments” because it is “easy to deal with.”

His lawyer indicated that the Constitution stipulates that the vice president has the right to preside over the proceedings in the way he deems appropriate. You can calculate the electoral votes certified by the state administration, or you can prefer a competitive vote cast by officially qualified voters (alternate votes). ) and do not count all electoral votes for a given state.

Kenold’s ruling did not say that it cannot be appealed, which means Republicans from Gomert and Arizona can sue again.

At 10:30 p.m. Friday, Gomert told the Washington Observer that his attorney was preparing to appeal the judge’s decision.

House of Representatives General Counsel Doug Letter (Doug Letter) presented a nonpartisan opinion in court Thursday, asking the judge to dismiss the case. The opinion indicated that the litigation “is contrary to our constitutional procedures and consistent legislative practices.” .

Alan Kennedy, the Colorado elector who voted for Biden, also weighed in on the case, calling the case a “electoral college fantasy” and should be rejected.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley (Josh Hawley) and some 40 Republican House representatives plan to oppose electoral votes from key states during the joint session of Congress on the 6th, which will activate two separate states for each disputed state. Hours of debate.

The members of the two chambers withdrew to their respective homes and debated and voted on the opposition. If the opposition finally obtains a majority of votes in both houses, it will be established and the votes of the electoral college of the contested state will be invalidated.

In accordance with the Constitution and the law, the vice president presided over the joint meeting of Congress on the 6th, but the majority of the two houses of Congress still have the power to make decisions on the disputed electoral votes.

On December 14, among electoral college votes nominated by state governments, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden (Joe Biden) won 306 and incumbent President Trump won 232.

On the same day, Republicans in seven states have cast “alternate votes.” These seven states can be challenged at the joint meeting of Congress on January 6, 2021. The corresponding electoral votes are: Wisconsin (10 photos), Michigan (16 photos), Georgia (16 photos), Pennsylvania (20 photos), Arizona (11 photos), New Mexico (5 photos) and Nevada (6 photos), total 84 photos.

Due to election violations in various states in the November 3 general election, the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in several states. District judges and Supreme Court justices dismissed many previous lawsuits by Trump’s team as ineligible, and were not given the opportunity to present evidence or testimony.

Recently retired attorney general William Barr said he had seen no evidence of fraud that could overturn the election results. The mainstream media has not investigated or tracked the voter fraud, and social media has also flagged the Trump campaign and Trump’s own tweets, anything involving election fraud or victory, as controversial or Biden has been elected. .

Congress came out to challenge Republican congressmen on January 6 and faced double pressure: on the one hand, Democrats called them “traitors” and, on the other hand, Republican leaders publicly prevented them from coming out to challenge Electoral College votes. .

According to various media reports, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Mitch McConnell) organized an intra-party conference call on Thursday to pressure Holly. He said by phone that he would be a joint seat in Congress on January 6. The meeting showed that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden (Joe Biden) won the 2020 general election, and this will be his “most important result ever issued.”

Holly said in an email to her Senate colleagues Thursday afternoon: “If you’ve been talking to people in your hometown, I’m sure you know how angry and lost a lot of people are (from the results of this They are frustrated that Congress has taken almost no action. “

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
