Taiwan shares are surprisingly closed in 2020, Trump signed the bailout bill, SMIC has been approved by the US To review this week’s major events | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News


Saying goodbye to 2020 and heading into 2021, Taiwan shares closed dazzlingly last year, rising by 2,735 points for the full year, hitting an all-time high and scoring four standout points. Faced with the virus variant, China’s national defense epidemic has escalated, and US President Pu also unexpectedly signed the bailout and spending bill on a temporary basis. Furthermore, Lu Media reported that SMIC has obtained the approval of mature process equipment from the United States, which has also released a shocking bomb for the market. Here is a review of the important events of this week:

Four Highlights of Taiwan Stocks in 2020

Taiwan shares will close beautifully in 2020, rising 2735 points to close at 14732.53 points for the full year, which is an all-time high. According to FSC statistics, Taiwan stocks have written four bright spots this year, including the index that broke an all-time high and trading volume increased by more than 6 per year. It held steady at 10,000 points for 186 consecutive business days, of which 20 consecutive business days exceeded “10,000 points”.

Other readings
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Taiwan’s first variant of the new corona virus now prohibits foreigners from entering and transiting Taiwan on New Year’s Day.

Three passengers on a China Airlines flight returning to Taiwan from the UK were diagnosed with COVID-19. The Epidemic Command Center said on the 30th that after genetic comparison, a teenage boy with a fever was confirmed to be infected with the British variant COVID-19, the first case in Taiwan. Therefore, China Entry measures will be even more stringent. Starting on New Year’s Day, foreigners without a residence permit will be banned from entering the country and transit to Taiwan will be suspended. The observation period is one month.

On the other hand, due to the severe epidemic in the UK and the spread of the variant virus, China Airlines and EVA Air also announced on the 29th that all flights between Taipei and London will be suspended from January, and future flights will be will be adjusted according to the situation of the epidemic.

Save America’s Economy Trump Signs Bailout and Spending Bill

US President Trump signed a $ 2.3 trillion spending bill on the night of last week 27, which includes a $ 900 billion bailout plan to continue providing relief funds for national companies and individuals, avoiding the federal government shutdown on the 29th. Caught in a lockout.

Under the plan finalized by the United States Congress, the rescue plan includes the distribution of US $ 600 in cash to each person, US $ 300 in cash to the unemployed each week, and other subsidies to national businesses and schools.

Samsung delays closure of LCD factory and postpones indefinitely

Samsung Display originally planned to shut down all of its LCD production lines at the end of last year, but it was reported in October that Samsung Display assessed that the suspension of production would be postponed to the first quarter of this year. This week, the official confirmed for the first time that he would shut down LCD production indefinitely. Line, the closing time will depend on market conditions, launching a shocking bomb for the panel market,

Noting that the current global LCD market is dominated by panel manufacturers from China and Taiwan. Among them, Chinese manufacturers have gained almost half the market. Market participants believe that the short-term change of the Korean factories’ LCD distribution plan will have a relatively limited impact on the industry supply, but may be detrimental this year. Panel prices continued to rise strongly.

Ant Group aims to merge financial businesses into a holding company

China is taking a series of measures to restrict Ma Yun’s financial empire on the Internet, Ant Group. Although it did not directly request the company to be spun off, Chinese regulatory authorities have interviewed twice and asked Ant to “fully acknowledge the seriousness and need for rectification” and develop a schedule of rectifications as soon as possible.

The rectification requirements presented by the Chinese financial sector include returning to the origin of the payment, providing transparency in transactions, obtaining a license in accordance with the law, protecting the privacy of personal data, ensuring sufficient capital and improving corporate governance. According to Bloomberg, citing people familiar with the matter, Ant Group is planning to Merge its financial business into a holding company and subjecting it to more bank-like supervision will affect the growth of the group’s most profitable default business.

Land Media Explosion SMIC Semiconductor Shock Pump Obtains US Mature Process Equipment License

According to market reports, the United States has agreed to open the license for “mature process” equipment from SMIC, the leading foundry company in China. On the 31st, China electronic technology outlet Jiwei.com reported that the rumor was said to be true due to the previous US ban. In the semiconductor industry, such as wafer casting and NOR Flash, market conditions are chaotic and prices have risen. The United States has launched SMIC’s mature process equipment, which will affect the market outlook for related components.

Another Management Specialist Explosion A bank management specialist from Qian Guotai Shihua stole 17.32 million yuan from four clients and fined him 12 million yuan.

The Financial Regulatory Commission announced on the 29th that the Hong branch of Cathay Bank Banqiao of Cathay Bank, on behalf of Li Zhuan, had been involved in the case for 4 years and had embezzled funds of 17.32 million yuan to embezzle funds Of customers. Cathay United Bank was fined 12 million yuan according to the law and detained. The Xingbanqiao branch accepts new clients for insurance agency businesses and money trust businesses for one month each.

This is also the seventh case in which the FSC opened fines and thefts this year. A total of 72 million yuan has been fined, beating last year’s record and setting a record.

High-end vaccine approved for a phase II clinical trial of the new vaccine against coronary pneumonia

The high-end vaccine was announced on day 30 and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan to carry out the second phase of human clinical trials of the new pneumonia vaccine. coronary. It is also the first vaccine factory in Taiwan to be approved for the second phase of clinical trials.

High-end said the new MVC-COV1901 coronary pneumonia vaccine being developed was developed in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). State-of-the-art technology transfers full-length genetically modified recombinant S-2P protein to NIH as vaccine antigens to screen for candidate immune compositions. And it has completed the preclinical drug toxicology test, the hamster challenge test and the interim analysis report of the first phase of the human clinical trial.

November economic signal countermeasure score reaches a new record in more than nine years

The National Development Council announced on the 28th that the comprehensive judgment score for November’s thriving countermeasure signals was 30 points, a 2-point increase from October. The green light continued to shine, and the score also reached a new record since April 2011. The economy is leading and indicators continue to rise. The national economy maintains constant growth and the market believes that December will have the opportunity to challenge the “yellow red light”.
