North City New Years Eve Party Follows Hou Youyi: Not Everyone Is Happy To See Gaps In Outbreak Prevention | Society | New director Newtalk


Hou Youyi said that risk assessment for safety and health should be the most important consideration for any activity.Picture: Lin Yunzhen / Photography

Hou Youyi said that risk assessment for safety and health should be the most important consideration for any activity.Picture: Lin Yunzhen / Photography

The new global epidemic of corona pneumonia continues to rise. As of the 31st, two confirmed cases of the British variant virus from abroad have returned to Taiwan. While many counties and cities announced that the New Year’s Eve party will be switched to online broadcast tonight, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi believes that in the face of the raging variant of the virus, we must take a serious attitude to prevent the epidemic. “If you fail to prevent the epidemic, you will not be happy to see if there is a loophole” and organize any event. The most important consideration should be the assessment of health and safety risks.

Hou Youyi said that the global epidemic is constantly on the rise, especially the mutant virus is on the rise. We must face the whole epidemic prevention with a serious attitude, especially in all large-scale meetings, we must strictly adopt the real name system, how to scale down and make the whole event Run healthier, emphasized that the prevention of epidemics is the absolute priority and safety is absolutely above all else, so in any case the assessment of risks to safety and health should be the most important consideration.

Hou Youyi said that each region has its own considerations, but the most important thing is to implement them and put epidemic prevention in place. In case the prevention of epidemics is not done well, there are gaps, in fact, everyone is not willing to see: “We respect what each unit does. However, I hope to implement the established epidemic prevention measures.”

Speaking of the New Taipei Happy Christmas City event, which was temporarily decided to close the city in advance last night, Hou Youyi noted that safety is the most important consideration in all activities. Because the entire epidemic is changing rapidly, the city government must respond quickly. Many outdoor gatherings include Balikuan. In 2013, the fireworks were canceled because the real name system was not possible. As for Christmas Happy City, because the British variant of the virus is arriving and spreading more aggressively, if people flock to New Taipei Happy Christmas City during the three-day holiday it may be more difficult to control. Under these considerations, last night it was decided to announce in advance the closure of the city.

Hou Youyi stressed that in the face of the epidemic transition, the government should conduct continuous review at any time. It is worth noting whether Taiwan has blocked the entry of foreign countries during this period. It only takes serious and thorough preparations and thorough preparations for all epidemic prevention to work together. Only then can we protect the health of our people and use this attitude to prevent epidemics.

The New Years Eve party in North City is “business as usual.” New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi believes that in the face of the violent mutation of the virus, we must take a serious attitude to prevent the epidemic. “If you can’t prevent the epidemic yourself, there are loopholes that everyone wouldn’t want to see.” Any activity should have health and safety risk assessment as its primary consideration.
