Xiaoying Polls Crashed! Presidential Palace: 3 Sentences About Time And Results You Yinglong | News | NOWnews Today News


Xiaoying Polls Crashed! Presidential Palace: 3 Sentences About Time And Results You Yinglong | News | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-30 10:18:26

Kuomintang Chairman Jiang Qichen bombarded President Tsai Ing-wen in the Central Standing Committee on the 16th, pointing out that Tsai Ing-wen had issued a message to appeal to the unity of various political parties, but on the other hand allowed him to the DPP will attack opposition parties with Facebook graphics and text.  (Data Photo / Reporter Chen Hongzhi Photo)
▲ The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation announced the latest poll yesterday. (29) President Tsai Ing-wen’s reputation has declined and the second “honeymoon period” has ended. (Data Photo / Reporter Chen Hongzhi Photo)

The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation announced the latest poll yesterday (29). President Tsai Ing-wen’s reputation has declined and the second “honeymoon period” is over. The spokesman for the Presidential Office, Zhang Dunhan, responded that the polls were conducted at different times and with different investigative methods. Everyone will have different results, “the ruling team has no vacation, much less a honeymoon period.” In response, You Yinglong, president of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation, bluntly said: “The Presidential Office responded too .Absurd, Too ignorant, I don’t understand anything. “

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You Yinglong posted on Facebook that the results of his poll yesterday on “President Tsai’s second honeymoon term has ended.” Looking closely at the government’s words, his first sensation was that the presidential palace responded: “AlsoAbsurd, Too ignorant and incomprehensible. “Why do you say that? Because the theories and concepts of the” Presidential Honeymoon Period “have long been practiced in contemporary political science, they have almost become” common sense “. David Gergen’s popular book” Seven Courses for American Presidents “has many ideas about it.

▲ Facebook post of You Yinglong.  (Photo / Facebook Flip of You Yinglong)
▲ Facebook post of You Yinglong. (Photo / Facebook Flip of You Yinglong)

You Yinglong said bluntly that yesterday the government spokesman apparently did not know the concept of a “presidential honeymoon period.” What he was going to talk about was that “the ruling team does not have a vacation, much less a honeymoon period.” What are you refuting because of the irrelevance of the “period”? What’s more, with the second presidency of Tsai Ing-wen, he had a honeymoon period of up to 7 months from the beginning, which is rewarding. Compared to his first term, the honeymoon period ends in about 100 days, which is even more impressive. According to related research, the average honeymoon period for former US presidents is 7 months. Tsai Ing-wen has already reached the standard. It’s something good. It is really unnecessary for a spokesperson to refute and show ugliness.

You Yinglong believes that the spokesmen of the worthy presidential palace must have a wealth of knowledge in humanities and social sciences to cope with the national events that go through every day! Even if you do not have great knowledge and experience, you must know how to hide from the clumsy. However, he also said frankly: “The presidential palace spokesperson is actually a task. If the president insists that the spokesperson respond, the spokesperson may still have to go to the trouble and make a mess. The result is like this. , nothing”. (Editor): Xu Yiqing)

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