She was rejected pushing a stroller to buy underwear! “Reason” exposed, super defenseless industry players apologized | New | NOWnews Today News


She was rejected pushing a stroller to buy underwear! “Reason” exposed, super defenseless industry players apologized | New | NOWnews Today News

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Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-30 11:12:28

▲ A young mother complained that when she pushed a stroller to buy underwear, the store clerk rejected her because she was concerned that the child would be too noisy.  Qmomo then issued a statement apologizing.  (Photo / Inverted from Unsplash, Qmomo fan on Facebook)
▲ A young mother complained that when she pushed a stroller to buy underwear, the store clerk rejected her because she was concerned that the child would be too noisy. Qmomo then released a statement apologizing. (Photo / Inverted from Unsplash, Qmomo fan on Facebook)

This society really needs more empathy for young mothers! A netizen revealed that she wanted to go to the underwear store to buy underwear while pushing a stroller, but the employee refused to allow the netizen to enter the fitting room for “fear that the girl would make noise to other customers.” The netizen was shocked and aggrieved. After the article was exposed, there was a heated discussion. Many people expressed support for the young mother’s experience. The Qmomo store also issued an urgent statement apologizing and explained that it considered “child safety” before the “mother test” but promised to improve in the future.

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A young mother posted a post on the Facebook group “Boom Commune”, revealing that she wanted to go to the Qmomo Zhongxiao store with her baby carriage to buy underwear, but since there was no appointment, she had to wait and can only try on 15 minutes , so the young mother wanted.After scheduling an appointment at the location, the employee said, “Children under the age of 7 cannot enter at the appointment time,” and said they were concerned that the child would make noise with other clients. The young mother explained that the child could be comforted with a bottle and the employee replied that eating and drinking is prohibited in the fitting room. After being repeatedly rejected thousands of miles away, young mothers can’t help but complain, so can the store just not accept mothers with single children to shop? Even though there was still some mild consumption later, customer service emphasized that it was “exceptionally to serve you”, which made her very unhappy.

After the incident was exposed, it caused heated discussions among netizens. They all supported the original PO. They believed the store was not thinking straight. Seeing that netizens’ criticism grew louder, Qmomo also issued a statement of apology, emphasizing “Please talk to the mother who came to Zhongxiao’s store to consume today. Sorry, we really don’t provide good service, nor we were thorough enough, not thoughtful enough. We have repeatedly expressed our apologies! It was a mistake in our service process. We will review and improve, and we won’t find a reason. “

But Qmomo also explained that the consideration is that “the safety of the child” takes precedence over “the mother’s test”, but Qmomo also said bluntly that today’s service for this mom is not done well, inappropriate service, inappropriate language and even us. Finally, the response from the customer service unit was not perfect and they promised to review and improve. (Publisher: Ni Haoxuan)

▲ Qmomo apologized and explained that the
▲ Qmomo apologized and explained that “child safety” takes precedence over “mother’s test.” (Image / flip from Qmomo fan album on Facebook)

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