Wu Siyao said he was involved in medical materials and pushed the media aide into two big questions: Politics-China Times


After the DPP recently approved the Laizhu case firmly in the Legislative Yuan, the Wu Siyao Green Committee and Cai Adaptation became the main targets for the removal of Taipei City Councilor from the Kuomintang Luo Zhiqiang. However, Wu Siyao was recently involved in the “guardian medical materials” controversy and was concealed by the National Taiwan University. Shi Jingzhong, a famous doctor, broke the news to help medical professionals put pressure on the hospital, while Wu Siyao passed it on to his assistant, saying he was relaying people’s complaints. In this regard, the journalist “The Raven Against the Wind” who in his day served as the legislator’s assistant analyzed the possibility and doubts of the whole matter.

It turned out that Shi Jingzhong posted on Facebook a few days ago that he was a test user of certain medical material, but felt it was inappropriate. Also, the price was dozens of times more expensive than abroad, which was too outrageous. After an argument, the backyard decided not to introduce it. Unexpectedly, the manufacturer immediately enlisted a lawmaker named Wu to pressure him, and he also limited himself to two days to respond. After the incident came to light, Wu Siyao called Shi Jingzhong and told him that it was an aide who relayed people’s requests and that he would be sorry if it caused trouble between the National Taiwan University Hospital and the doctors.

The Facebook fan “The Raven Against the Wind” wrote an article on Facebook on the 27th to analyze: “Is it possible that the legislators do not know if the assistant of the legislator’s office has published a post?” He said he had also served as an aide to the legislator many years ago. Judging from the Wu Siyao controversy, Wu Siyao may not have known about it, but the possibility is close to zero.

The article pointed out that the legislator’s office is like a public agency, and will be supervised by powers and responsibilities, and most of it will be seen by legislators, but there are only a few cases that legislators are not very good at handling. First, there may be a “clandestine legislator” in the committee office, that is, the spouse of the committee member, who can make all decisions on behalf of the legislator, or a small number of senior office directors. The second is that the envoys belong to the category of “insignificant”. Official documents, like red and white posts, consult (but there are also some offices that legislators will read).

The analysis of “The Raven Against the Wind” emphasized that there are several doubts in the case of Wu Siyao. First, the use of certain medical equipment to the National Taiwan University Hospital “for petitions” obviously involves some interests, and in fact there is a risk of being exposed. He didn’t think any assistant would dare to do their thing. Second, judging from official documents, Wu Siyao’s office still requires the hospital to “respond within a limited time.” This is definitely not something the wizard dares to do.

The assistant positions, is it possible that the legislators do not know? A doctor from National Taiwan University told Wu Siyao that he was buying medical equipment, and then told his assistant that he did not know. From the perspective of the functioning of the legislator’s office, is this possible? I was an assistant to the legislator many years ago. I can say with certainty: it is possible, but not the norm. And with the case of Wu Siyao, the possibility …

Posted by The Raven Against the Wind on Saturday, December 26, 2020

(Zhongshi News Network)
