In 2017, the price of Bitcoin rose sharply, approaching $ 20,000 at a time, but then cooled down significantly. Until recently, it broke the previous high and hovered above the $ 24,000 mark. Since the beginning of this year, the price of Bitcoin has increased dramatically more than three times, and the increase has lasted longer than in 2017, reflecting the tremendous changes in the cryptocurrency market.
The CoinDesk quote shows that at 4:59 am on December 21, Taiwan time, Bitcoin reported $ 24,228.83, a record. At 1:08 pm on December 25, Taiwan time, Bitcoin reported $ 23,567.98, a cumulative increase of 228.10% from the beginning of the year. On January 1 of this year, the price of Bitcoin was approximately $ 7,179.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Bitcoin bulls noted that compared to 2017, the source of funding to promote this wave of Bitcoin is more stable. According to data from blockchain analytics company Chainalysis, since September, large new investors who have owned at least 1,000 bitcoins and whose wallets have been active for less than a year have bought around 500,000 bitcoins, worth up to 11,500. millions of dollars. .
Notable Bitcoin investment celebrities this year include renowned Wall Street hedging managers Paul Tudor Jones and Stanley Druckenmiller, as well as third-party payment service providers Square, business intelligence services platform MicroStrategy, and MassMutual. Life Insurance (Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance) and other large companies. .
Bitcoin has recently seen a new wave of strong gains, which has also drawn the attention of retail investors to Bitcoin. According to data from Chainalysis, since the beginning of this year, there have been more than 38 million small transactions of less than 1,000 bitcoins, almost double the 20 million in 2017.
In December 2017, the price of Bitcoin rushed to $ 19,000, but then fell below $ 10,000 in February 2018, dropping nearly 50% from the all-time high and following a two-year recession.
Business Insider recently reported that Garrick Hileman, research director at Blockchain.com and a visiting scholar at the London School of Economics, hopes that as more and more large institutions are willing to hold bitcoins, it will raise the reserve currency (Reserve). Coin), the market value of Bitcoin will rise to 1 trillion US dollars next year, and the price is 54,000 US dollars.
(This article is reprinted with permission from MoneyDJ News; source of first image: Pixabay)
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