Chen Zhizhong finally admitted one thing after reading the latest polls in Liudu 2022-Politics-China Times


Will he be the next Abian? The Q-Green Think Tank announced on the 25th the latest poll for the “Decisive Battle of the Six Mayors in 2022”. Among the polls for the election of the mayor of Taipei, Taipei citizens such as legislator Jiang Wanan with 29.2% and Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong with 24.5%. In this regard, Kaohsiung City Councilor Chen Zhizhong said bluntly: “The DPP has been gone from Taipei City for 24 years. If it is sent to Chen Shizhong, it means the DPP has no capital to neglect. “.

Chen Zhizhong chaired the press conference of the 2022 Liudu polls by the new Taiwan National Policy Think Tank.  (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of the New Taiwan National Policy Think Tank)
Chen Zhizhong chaired the press conference of the 2022 Liudu polls of the new Taiwan National Policy Think Tank. (Photo / Obtained from Facebook of the New Taiwan National Policy Think Tank)

The “New Taiwan National Policy Think Tank” announced Liudu’s poll on the 25th. It was chaired by Chen Zhizhong, Executive Director of the Ketagalan Foundation, and commented on by survey experts Wu Shichang and Professor Zeng Guanqiu of National Normal University. . Among them, the results of the Taipei citizen survey show that KMT supporters support Jiang Wanan as the highest, the DPP, Times Force and the Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party, and Chen Shizhong supports the highest. The poll notes that Jiang Wanan can get 20.3% support from the People’s Party.

Among the nine possible candidates for the mayor of Taipei, the favorite of the citizens of Taipei is Jiang Wanan with 29.2%, Chen Shizhong 24.5% and Han Guoyu 37.8% the most hated; and the Kuomintang hates Huang Guochang with the highest proportion, 19.5%. The most annoying Han Yu is the Kijin Party, with 78.3%.

In response, Chen Zhizhong said on Facebook that the capital’s mayor’s fight for hegemony is the top priority. There are still many variables in the actual electoral situation and subsequent development. However, current polls show that the KMT’s Jiang Wan’an is the first. If the DPP sends Chen Shizhong to With a delay of between 6% and 10%, the green field is really reckless in the face of multi-party competition. Mayor Chen Shui-bian has not been in power for 24 years since 1998. He suggested that the candidate with the best chance of winning should be found as soon as possible. The DPP should be cautious. To break the fence, we must make the decision as soon as possible, determine the candidate in advance, and deploy him in advance.

# 凯达格兰 基金 # 新 台灣 国策 智库 # 2022 决战 六 都 民 查 系列 # A preliminary scan of the Taipei mayor’s election in 2022, the capital battle is the top priority of the president’s outpost. The current polls are led by Jiang Wan’an of the Kuomintang. If the party sends Chen Shizhong and he still falls behind by 6-10%, the green field should not be negligent in the face of multi-party competition. It has been 24 years since Mayor Abian in 1998 has not been a green government proposal. It should be as soon as possible to find the candidate with the best chance of winning. Advanced deployment to break through

Posted by Chen Zhizhong on Friday Dec 25, 2020

(Zhongshi News Network)
