Tsai Ing-wen, the new democratically elected authority of the dictatorship, appears on the cover of the latest issue of Asia Weekly-Politics-China Times.


“Asia Weekly” announced the latest cover on Facebook. It shows President Tsai Ing-wen wearing a dragon robe. The title is “The new authoritarian phenomenon behind the elected dictatorship in Taiwan”, and the cover story is “Reverse Osmosis Law”, Zhongtian News Channel’s refusal to change photos and “check the water meter”, confusion military on the Internet and other incidents as examples, in addition to interviews with politicians and academics, including the elderly founders of the Democratic Progressive Party. , Chengxin Authoritarian Leader.

However, in response to this report, DPP spokesman Yan Ruofang Jin said that it is obviously completely contrary to reports from other international media outlets.

The special report noted that many elder founders of the DPP stated bluntly in an interview with Asia Weekly that now the DPP is in power more and more like the KMT during martial law. 84-year-old veteran DPP founder Zhang Junhong lamented that he used to take part in the Formosa island incident to fight for human rights in Taiwan, but is now ushering in a “new and old era.” Former Green Committee Lin Zhengjie criticized the current DPP. The party is worse than Chiang Kai-shek and has turned fascist.

The content of the report also mentioned that Taiwan has always been proud of freedom of speech and democracy, but the incident of “Zhongtian was closed” has raised questions about Taiwan’s democracy. Senior media representative Chen Wenqian stated bluntly on Facebook in late November: “The Taiwanese government has a lot to do with Zhongtian. The handling of the news brought me back to the memory of the fight with the police chief in my 20 years “.

Doctor Su Weishuo’s report is also questionable. The report pointed out that if Guan Zhongtian was to seal the mouth of the anti-green media, “checking the water meter” was to seal the different mouths of the people; Su Weishuo made many anti-Laizhu comments and was denounced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for violating the Food Safety Law. After being questioned by outsiders for more than 30 years, is the government now “checking the water meter”? The report also cited Su Hongda, a professor in the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University, as an example, claiming that he posted on his personal Facebook page in November 2018, questioning the policy on cultural relics of the former director of the National Museum of Science. Chen Qinan Palace, and was later cited by the police for “violating the Law on the Maintenance of Social Order.” During the interview, although it was ruled that the case would not be punished, Su also asked “Who is the one blocking the freedom of expression of Taiwanese?” I published an article entitled “My Personal Experience of Government Water Meter Verification”, complaining about the suppression of personal freedom of expression.

However, the report also cited the opinion of Shen Youzhong, a professor of politics at Tunghai University, saying that not everyone believes that there will still be control of water meters in Taiwan. Shen Youzhong said that the cost of this matter “is not comparable to the risks and benefits.”

The report also noted that Taiwan’s democracy continues to be highly valued by the international community, according to the “Global Democracy Report 2019” issued by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). It has a very high evaluation of Taiwan’s democracy and is the only direct democracy with Switzerland that has a high degree of public political participation. However, the report believes that people feel that this is not the case. International pressure can abuse power and attack opponents.

Asia Weekly’s special report noted that after the defeat of the Kuomintang in 2020, the financial difficulties of the Kuomintang have not been able to play their role in the opposition for a long time, and the media often have the same color as the DPP government, plus the greenfield internet army is attacking dissidents. Under the operation, it was possible to keep the DPP regime alive and well.

(Zhongshi News Network)
