Putting “a green leaf” in the meat is so confusing! Experts exposed the real use of the network all shocked | New | NOWnews Today News


Putting “a green leaf” in the meat is so confusing! Experts exposed the real use of the network all shocked | New | NOWnews Today News

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Putting “a green leaf” in the meat is so confusing! Experts exposed the actual use of the net, all shocked

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-24 13: 25: 56 |2020-12-24 13:34:16

▲ A netizen found a green leaf in the frozen meat she bought, which made her wonder the actual use. (Photo / Flip Facebook page of the Second Hall of the Waste Commune)

Many supermarkets and stores sell frozen meat in boxes, which attracts many people to buy it. However, some netizens discovered that she bought a box of chicken, but discovered that a mysterious leaf was placed on top of the meat, making her wonder what it was for. In this regard, some netizens revealed the truth and there was a heated discussion on the Internet.

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The original PO posted a photo on the Facebook group “Booming Waste Commune No. 2”, and saw a whole box of frozen meat on top, and was surprised to see a green leaf on it, which made her wonder “green “. What is the function of that piece? “

▲ A netizen discovered that a green leaf was placed on the frozen meat she bought, making her wonder what the true purpose was.  (Photo / Flip photo from the Facebook page of the Second Hall of the Waste Commune)
▲ Yuan PO found a green leaf in the meat, which made her wonder what the true purpose was. (Photo / Flip Facebook page of the Second Hall of the Waste Commune)

As soon as the issue came to light, some netizens speculated: “It’s used to soothe the eyes and make the meat look fresh and delicious. Red and green are complementary colors. It’s like the reason why clothes it’s green when the operating room looks red for a long time. ” It’s sticky? ”; There were also many people who left comments, “Eat meat, you must eat vegetables too! Balanced nutrition ”,“ The chicken is covered in the refrigerator because the chicken is cold ”,“ The vegetables are wrapped in meat, doubt ”. .

However, some experts revealed that this green leaf is actually called “Yamagata leaf”. It is a plastic sheet and it is not edible. It is generally used as a “decorative plate” in Japanese cuisine to enhance the sense of professionalism. It has the effect of preventing sticking and avoiding the mutual influence of the taste of the food. “During the process of placing the plate,” plastic sheets “are often used to separate the different ingredients. One is as a decoration to make the food. more colorful and the other is to prevent sticking. Besides, it can also prevent the taste of the ingredients from interfering with each other, which makes the taste of the whole dish look very compromised. “” That thing is called Yamagata, which are generally used for decoration. Japanese cuisine is very common “,” Japanese frozen meat is authentic. The leaves use the degree of wilting of the leaves to see how long the meat is fresh and not fresh, but now it is made of plastic. “

In fact, similar topics have appeared on the Internet before. A famous netizen discovered that some frozen cattle in Japan will have real leaves instead of plastic sheets. Some professional netizens explained: “The leaves that are separated from the branches will enter a metabolic state and begin to be consumed. It metabolizes oxygen and reduces the oxygen content in the conservation box”, so that people can judge whether the meat is new or not due to the vividness of the leaves. (Editor: Chen Yayun)

▲ A netizen previously discovered that real leaves are placed on frozen meat in Japanese supermarkets.  (Photo / PTT)
▲ Some netizens previously discovered that real leaves are placed on frozen meat in Japanese supermarkets. (Photo / PTT)

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